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Status Updates posted by exstaciitony

  1. I liked an @YouTube videofrom @jedidwag http://t.co/r43Cl0XY LOL Troll Team - All Stealth + Mundo (1/4)

  2. I liked an @YouTube videofrom @theauzziegamer http://t.co/4HpBxFOj I'm Back! But where have I been?

  3. I liked an @YouTube videofrom @myndflame http://t.co/I1pJBPyt Who's at Bottom? (of League of Legends)

  4. Finally getting some notes down.... thank god my brain somehow just clicks. LOL!

  5. That no2 shot was just too good! (@YouTube http://t.co/bBqoNtyW)

  6. I liked an @YouTube video http://t.co/d3IDm0kh League of Legends - Pulsefire Ezreal Revealed

  7. I've added a video to an @YouTube playlistfrom @meloniemac http://t.co/eQr98fT2 Melonie Mac at E3 2012

  8. I liked an @YouTube videofrom @choleraninja http://t.co/zEu2TT4f Let's Play - Kingdom Hearts 2 pt34: write that d

  9. I liked an @YouTube video http://t.co/HFCZcARA Lollipop Chainsaw Gameplay - First Impression "Viking Commentar

  10. I liked an @YouTube video http://t.co/yleIJQTy After School(애프터스쿨) _ Flashback MV

  11. I liked an @YouTube video http://t.co/3QYCAsBW League of Legends : Worst Champion

  12. I liked an @YouTube video http://t.co/Ew34y9MH Allen Iverson - Ankle Breakers

  13. I've added a video to an @YouTube playlist http://t.co/Mhlb57yl LMFAO - SEXY AND I KNOW IT PRANK - CHENGMAN

  14. I've added a video to an @YouTube playlist http://t.co/beRZz7AK Iraq Lobster Full - Family Guy

  15. I liked an @YouTube videofrom @choleraninja http://t.co/yhiQucAs I'm Bad at LoL - Shining Noxian

  16. I liked an @YouTube videofrom @itempp http://t.co/tgA3eLOw Funny 1v1 With an Angry 12 Year Old

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