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About hyo_hugger

  • Birthday 05/29/1993

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  1. Too bad most of the idiot netizens are just brats hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.
  2. Damn straight. This whole thing is another case of netizen hypocrisy. People were mad at Hyomin that she wouldn't speak up, but declared that everything Soyeon said were lies. Over the years of being a Queen, I've learned not to trust KKS or "representatives." I believe what Soyeon says. What is truth? or more like, what is the point of truth when everything that is "truth" is decided by a blinded majority.
  3. Stop seducing me. Seriously. Stop it. I want to be a T-ara member just to be able to wake up to this.
  4. I laughed thinking they'd banned the zombie version. It'd make for sense to ban that one. Zombies are way more dangerous than drugs. Zombies kill. Well drugs too, but you know, not as often I think.
  5. Of course she'd need her real hubby by her side^^ Haha, I'd imagine how jealous Hwayoung must be since she likes photography too
  6. Oh wow, yeah KKS, you're doing a great job at managing the girls. Put them through almost 3 years straight of hard work and you have the gall to suggest that they're prideful and lazy. Fine, add all you want, but DO NOT EVEN think of ruining the beautiful T-ara we have now.
  7. Either way, Yoo Seungho is a lucky kid. (and I'm sure a hot 21-old UEE would've had her first kiss by then)
  8. Me too! Group hug >< They'd be a lot lower on the chart if they hadn't added our giraffe Hwayoung
  9. The mismatched lipsinging was amusing. Is it weird that I was trying to sing along even though it's the first time I've heard the Japanese version? Great song in whatever language! They're all so sparkly *__*
  10. Seriously. why wasn't I born in Japan? They get all the good stuff. *jealousy*
  11. Everyone says Eunjung, so I'll say Eunjung now like my post Hwayoung with long hair
  12. Haha, I love the last pic. Hyomin + Hwayoung: Everyone else : It's awkward how they're in colorful party clothes while everyone (except Key/Minho's pants) are all black and in ties
  13. More like wearing it. Soyeon's too cute Oh look, there's Hyomin. Oh, and Sunny too. They're in the same shot. lack of sunbyung makes me sad
  14. Must be why Eunjung came with them. Oh wow, for once Boram is the one being 100% sexier than the others (who are going for refreshing look)
  15. Geez, Boram's selcas are only either super close ups or picture of random things. Like food. or her feet. Btw, that's Sunny's hands on Hyomin's erm. She's just super short that you can't see her.
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