The brand reputation index collects and weights data from consumer behavior via participation value, media value and social value. The analysis tells you who, where, how, how much, and why people are talking about the brand.
To help raise T-ara and their members’ brand reputation index, follow these tips:
1. Search T-ara and the members name on Naver (always use Hangul!)
티아라 (T-ara)
티아라 큐리 (T-ara Qri)
티아라 은정 (T-ara Eunjung)
티아라 효민 (T-ara Hyomin)
티아라 지연 (T-ara Jiyeon)
보람 (Boram) OR 전보람 (Jeon Boram) OR 티아라 보람 (T-ara Boram)
가수 소연 (Singer Soyeon) OR 티아라 소연 (T-ara Soyeon)
When opening articles on Naver, do not click the title, click the small heading above it: 전네이버뉴스
2. Comment on and react to articles. Click the recommend button (이 기사를 추천합니다) below the reactions. Share articles on all your social media.
3. Make blog posts on Naver. Remember to use their names in Hangul in your post title and body.
4. Make tweets using their names in Hangul e.g 티아라 큐리 #티아라 #큐리 #Qri (the index only takes account of Hangul but you may include their names in English on Twitter for better spread of content.) Make plain text tweets as well as tweets with photos.
5. Interact with all official material i.e comment on and share press articles, photos and videos (YouTube, Naver), etc.