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Everything posted by Elly

  1. RT @woollim_ent: 2014 INFINITE 1st WORLD TOUR [ONE GREAT STEP] RETURNS http://t.co/Eq0vyu95S5

  2. Yeah, nope. GDA isn't happening. Live Korean TV and I just never work. Deuces, chingus~

  3. To wake up or not for GDA... Like, the convenience of watching it on my TV is there... •~•

  4. LaTormenta’s Woohyun ISAC Fancams are killing me.

  5. Getting really upset and discouraged again.

  6. Most productive lecture of my life, by far: http://t.co/byWSvA7IRw

  7. In their defense, climbing/going down those F Building stairs is like acrobatics. So I get you. I get you, girl.

  8. RT @coremidas: [T-ARA] 1월 15일 수요일 MBC 새로운 프로그램의 녹화에 은정, 효민양이 출연합니다!! 참여를 원하시는 분들은 팬 카페 공지사항을 확인해주세요~ http://t.co/JwmfXU0Xmx

  9. The SM/Woollim Boys on the same ISAC Team again. #gg

  10. Mom says: "In all fairness, you're actually really nice to other people. It's just to us that's kinda ehhh=" Thanks, momma. U da bomb.

  11. "Those are Satan shoes, and you know that!" LOL http://t.co/BqzMlLIrSZ

  12. Awh man I forgot I have to go to school today lol

  13. F3rst day of school tomorrow lawl

  14. Just reached a next level of lazy. Sorry not sorry V^.^V

  15. Why are there 5 people on my blog...

  16. 1080p/60fps eheu

  17. That has to change D:

  18. I just… ㅠㅠ

  19. "Any exposed skin can freeze in less than 5 minutes" @LeoArmenta

  20. Back to bed. Deuces.

  21. Looks like a skip flex today. Hah. Thank you, Mother Nature.

  22. RT @tiaradiadem: [DOWNLOAD] T-error Adventures: Cake Day + Special Giveaway Event! Exclusive CD, cards & Official T-ara 2014 Calendar! http…

  23. Katya’s life TBH

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