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Everything posted by Dryopencloud

  1. Only myself to blame for getting D. Wtf, I feel so zzzz dislike attending lesson. Shall I ask why I get D. I feel really......

  2. How did Chee Meng calculate the daily grade xxxx one huh Y HE NOT ONLINE SIA

  3. LMAO The colour I pick pink is wrong must be magenta -.-

  4. Going through timeline before bed. Does this seem stalker-ish?

  5. KPOP VOCALIST: Kim Taeyeon, Jo Kwon, IU, Hyorin!

  6. Why buangkok not Peopeyes but Wendys. Wendys no like me no like!


  8. I just scratch my face, and coincidentally on the pimple. f pain :(

  9. I think I look one idiot wearing cardi rofl.

  10. Great. Tomorrow I'll be gg with programming and hope to be very sick and think morning sure dying to stay alert awake....

  11. How I wish out of my 3 years only this sem need take programming....

  12. WTH? RP sent email say the tax invoice wrong cause technical glitch LOL

  13. So fun and challenging: Adding/Finding primary school friend on FB....... And I am not doing my hwk :P

  14. Rofl. PAP going around thank people.

  15. Which PAP member cried? I want know ploxxxx


  17. Money money money. You think I don't think its important? You think I purposely don't apply? You think I waste money? So you don't waste?

  18. Having dinner yummy yummyzzz. What time will the election results be out?

  19. So annoyed! Irritated! And all negative feelings words found in Dictionary......!!!!!!!!!

  20. Awwwwww. Its okay f(x).......... WOW JAY PARK FANS CRIED! Keke, I saw Juyeon, and Rania bowing to f(x)

  21. Gps under data plan not???

  22. Dear RP, I love papers LOL

  23. Winwin. The bus just own me. Its in woodlands now.....

  24. I dread school because I'm tired. Then again, my favourite module. -sandwiched-

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