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Status Updates posted by anneybabyboo

  1. I'd really like it if, someday, the guy who can manage to make my heart skip a thousand beats sing Eric Benet's "The Last Time" to me ♥

  2. Being able to sleep in the library like its nothing....damn it really does feel like I live here at school -___-

  3. How did I manage to wake yo everyday at 6 AM in high school? This is like torture to me now x__x

  4. Based off some research, I like boys with blood type A xD

  5. I AM A HAPPY GIRL! I have my B2ST, T-ARA, and Infinite CD's. I just need to order the 3D BLAQ Style and my life will be nearly complete ♥

  6. Cramps cramps cramps....I sort of kind of hate you a lot x___x

  7. I can already tell that I made the right decision by getting myself involved in this <3

  8. Tonight was a good night. I can already feel that this is gonna be a good semester :)

  9. Tonight is ze night! All dolled up and ready to go :)

  10. People are seriously willing to camp outside of the arena on this cold weather?

  11. Ive been a lazy student this week x___x I need to step my game up next week!

  12. Dream High episode 15 had me crying buckets when Sam Dong ran after Hyemi!

  13. First time I go on Tumblr all day and all I see on my dash is Big Bang! Theyreeee back baby <4

  14. Dear SDSU, is it really necessary to have THAT many faculty parking in a parking structure? Most of them are empty anyway x_x

  15. Will someone please find him for me, wrap him in wrapping paper, and then place him on my doorstep? :D\http://i56.tinypic.com/qnkxe9.png

  16. Costco gas lines are always so annoyingly long x_x

  17. Omg I am so cold. All I want to do is snuggle under my blanket and sleep in x_x

  18. The only way to make this day better is if I had the chance to pre-order MBLAQ's repackaged album...NOW -__-

  19. KGSHJSBLCKJASAGHKDJHASNLCJSB! BLAQStyle 3D is DAEBAK!!!! I really need to order my copy before I essplode!


  21. Super Junior will always be 13 to me <3

  22. I think....I'm dying watching all these videos of MBLAQ. Someone needs to stop me or my hormones are gonna combust o___o

  23. My heart is beating so fast from the Lady Rhos interview. I haven't felt this nervous in a long time.

  24. Deng. I want to cry so bad during this episode of dream high but that'd be embarrassing here in the library.

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