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Everything posted by MyTiaraKpop

  1. urgh..headache ! TT^TT

  2. hey zynn! happy birthday! ^-^ go go go! ^O^

  3. ahh. they're all so pretty! oh my jiyeon !! ^-^ she is so pretty.. can give me the link?? i want to watch them dancing bggg.. )
  4. wow! beautiful and pretty jiyeon unnie! thanks for uploading these gorgeous pictures! xD
  5. http://youtu.be/xk_C9r6i7Ig?hd=1


  6. i really really like and love her cheeks ! ^O^ pinch pinch pinch punch! xD her!! aaaa
  7. woah!! i love to see them helping other people that suffer .. TT^TT i hope i also can donate my money....
  8. yah..girl's day don't like me :OOO TT_TT nevermind.. i like t-ara

  9. [giveaway] Autographed Girl’s Day T-shirts + CD’s – Unlock the badge to enter! http://t.co/rKlQF3X via @allkpop I WANT TO JOIN!!

  10. yo to the manager! why are u cancelling heroes huh?!?! i want to see my jiyeon,my inna , my kahi.. my IU.. TT^TT please[lah] !! aiyee
  11. hwayoung is the cutest and the coolest one! ^-^ can i play!??! i want to try this game!! ^O^
  12. IU dress is so beautiful i want jiyeon to wear it! but nevermind! I love to see her cute face! ^O^ and yoo inna is just toooooo cute! :DDD My answer : NO WAY! NEVER!!
  13. yah.. i know how they feel.. but nevermind.. someday.. maybe t-ara and 5dolls will defeat the best group.. in my dream,maisarah! xD them!
  14. LOL these pictures are old right?? hehe.. i think i've saw these pictures before xD nevermind.. EunYeon fighting!!
  15. my boram unnie!!she's so adorable!! but no jiyeon
  16. :OO boram unnie!!!! why are you being like this? xD why are you being so cute?!?!?! thats mah boram!
  17. the world is going to end! :(

  18. :DD that's mah jiyeon.. she knows how to dance very well..but don't forget eunjung ^-^ xD
  19. wow! this is so cool! i hope there will be more T-Ara fans and more Jiyeon fans and more MBLAQ + Joon fans :DDDD go go go! now i know why jiyeon came back earlier to Korea.. cos of Oh my school ^O^
  20. ah!! hyomin is so pretty.. and jiyeon is so adorable and qri is so pretty and eunjung is so hot xD
  21. aw..my jiyeon ^-^ she 's so pretty!!!!! :D her in this pictures!
  22. oh my baby!! eunjung ahh,, go with her!! >< xD wah.. my jiyeon is so pretty!!! going to use this picture for my facebook xD
  23. :DD thanks for sharing!!! awwww... so cute!!! thats mah jiyeon
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