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  1. finally...Jiyeon Update her twitter........so long time.............. jiyeon look so cute.............
  2. JIyeon so cute,,,,,,,,,,, so many girls grup in here,,,, when this show air ?:lol::lol::lol:
  3. Jiyeon look so cute... Like this picture,,Thank you for sharing,,, Jiyeon Fighting,,,,
  4. I don't Agree With nitizen... Jiyeon is very great and hard work in T-ara,,,Bring T-ara so Popular and flying High....she acting and sing very good..she tbe best singer and actress.... I know T-ara Because Jiyeon...... Jiyeon Fingting....
  5. Jiyeonnnn....So Cute..I like she smile....so sweat.... .....,,,,,...........................................
  6. Khehehehehe,,Thanks for sharing the picture,,,,,, The picture so cute and Funny,,Hyomin verry funny in this pose,,I love Invincible Youth but I,m so sad the program will be over.....
  7. Thanks For the picture... Whoaaa,,,T-ara Look so cute in the Clothes........very Pretty Jiyeon Look very cute with long hair,,So Cute..Love It... T-ara...
  8. Whoaaa T-ara And Moon Brother Verry cutee,,,Love It...the great X'mas party.... T-ara And Moon Brother verry close..... Marry X'mas T-ara and Moon Brother...Fighting........
  9. The Performing verry DEABAKKK....T-ara Deabakk,,Verry good performing..I like It... T-ara Look like Devil angel in black Verry Hot and cute...Love This... T-aara Fighting......
  10. Whoaaa,,,T-ara Deabakkkk,,,,I Hope T-ara can Doing Job Verry Well... I Think this Job not Easy but I can Believe t-ara Can Doit because T-ara Is The Best..... T-ara FightiNg,,,Do It Do It...
  11. They Are Look so cute,,,Jiyeon Very Cute in the picture.... I Think They Are so close,,because they are much scene together..... I Hope Hyoyong Soon Health and can doing activity with Coed...
  12. Oh God They Are so amazing very natural beautiful...especial Jiyeon Look So beautiful,,,, ..and Enjung Look so mature but I like enjung With short hair.......
  13. I Don't Think Jiyeon Doing Plastic Sugery,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jiyeon Look so cute when she was child and before debut in T-ara.......... Jiyeon
  14. Don't Nerves hwayong,,Because You are Good Rapper in T-ara,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hwayong Fighting,,,,,T-ara Fighting.....Go it,,Go It....Do it..Do it....
  15. Conggrast To T-ara,,They are win again in M! coutdown,,,We are Proud of U............ Jiyeon Very Cute in M coutdown....I Hope They are Win To In another Place... T-ara Deabakkk...Fighting........
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