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Posts posted by s2daam

  1. CCM have said about the girls will be competing for their parts in songs and on stage.. which brings me to beleive that Eunjung, Boram and Hwayoung are the least unsafe. I know I keep saying the same thing, but they are the ones that are pushed back during performances. The thing is, while the Eunjung, Soyeon, Jiyeon and Hyomin have a lot of activities outside T-ara, that benefits them, for all we know, it could hinder them. CCM could see this as that they have too many activities to focus on for T-ara. We don't know whats going on in his sick twisted head right now!

    Not to mention that if they become Nine members they will be bashed and receive anti's from SONES who think that CCM will be trying to mould T-ara into SNSD.

    Expecially with the "concept change".. I think CCM is going to take away the retro concepts.. give them more sexy, dark, concepts.

  2. For me personally:

    Jiyeon - I think she is a very safe member. She may have a lot of activities, but she is undoubtedly the face of T-ara.

    Hyomin - I think she is also safe. She's always been loved in T-ara and don't see her leaving

    Soyeon - Also, I think she is safe. Soyeon is the voice of the group!

    Eunjung - I, am unsure. She's had an injury of late and CCM seems to be pushing her back in performances.. CCM will only be going for the healthy members, and CCM is evil enough to boot her for it.

    Qri - My bias, not too safe. She's one of the least appreciated members of the group, and she's also the second oldest. However, CCM seems to be really pushing her in the last few promotions, plus she is really improving. Also one of their best Japanese speakers!

    Boram - I feel she is the least safe. She's already voiced her opinions on her health and everything, I feel like CCM could be using this to get rid of her.

    Hwayoung - I'm really not sure. While she's the newest member, she does seem to be a great rapper, and has great abilities. However, CCM has never really used her. She's got next to no lines in most songs, and CCM always seems to favour Hyomin and Eunjung for rapping.

  3. Of course all we want is for are 7-ara to be together!! However, the next best option is if new members are added, rather than any removed. I have a feeling Soomi, and possibly some of the Pinup Girls will be the ones to be added..

    I wouldn't be suprised if the girls weren't even informed of the changes. Just think, CCM sends 6 of the girls away, telling them to completely relax and everything then BAM! As soon as they come back chuck some of the girls out! It's disgusting how horrible this could be!

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