-.- i cant believe that the Big bang Fans treat Hyomin this way, comon she just another person who is just having fun with a friend, they should really get a life!
wow finally they are heading towards Japan cant wait to listen to their songs ~_~ sadly i can only grant their wish of having me as good boyfriend :X LOLOL
hmm they really showed a lot of professionalism, it doesnt surprise me.. what surprises me was that a mic could affect so much, something has to be done -.-
lol there isnt anything wrong with getting ur nose ur face fixed, if it's wrong then it would be illegal.. dunno wads up with those people hating people who did surgery before -.-
hais wad to do.. with so much competition.. i can really see that hyomin is really hardworking just look at how she danced during the comeback, hope she get chubby again ~_~