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    river reacted to hinces in [12.07.14] T-ara's new member Areum, "I felt burdened and didn't want to damage the group by joining"   
    come on guys...singing parts are not decided by members...even if areum is not in t-ara, it does not means qri or boram gets more.
    now that she is officially a member of t-ara, her priority in everyday life must be t-ara 1st. If she can give up much in life to work hard for t-ara she should be fine..same for dani.
    And for the recent releases i sincerely feel lines has been distrubuted more fairly...not being biased. Qri and Boram both had significant lines and they did great.
    Just have to see the growth in T-ara with the new members down the mths to actually judge if anyone is suitable or not.
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    river reacted to hinces in [12.06.04] T-ara's Dani pictured at a movie theater, "completely innocent"   
    She must be extremely happy to be selected to join t-ara.. Who wouldn't be?? But the fact is that she has to face alot of criticisms and people judging her at the age of 14. How many of us here can actually take her place or would have the courage to?? It's CCM's decision to add members not her. Let not pull her down..it's not her fault. agency's fault. We just have to wait and see what she has to offer..
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    river reacted to Scatter_88mil in [12.03.06] T-ara to release first Japanese album and hold Japanese tour in June   
    On break? Are you kidding me? Eun Jung and Ji Yeon are still filming the dramas they're starring in, the girls recently just got back from Japan and are very likely going back soon to work on their scheduled album due later this year - a whole album requires a huge lot of effort and work, taking at least months to finish. More than that, they're releasing TWO albums - a Japanese one in June and their main comeback in July.
    Add in also the choreography practices, then it makes it even more demanding - So Yeon's already explained how demanding that is because back in her trainee days in SM, she literally sweated through 3 shirts a day. By the way, as soon as they came back from Japan, they were already rushed to the MBC idol athletics event at a rather tired condition - and performed horribly. So Yeon even said she was feeling too tired to run when it was her turn to take the 50m sprint.
    Doing 'little' activities does not constitute a break - a break is a period of time spent on things OUTSIDE work indefinitely. Have you even been employed by a major company before? No, I guess not. As a lab assistant working in a fairly large health food product company (Alpha Laboratories) in New Zealand, a break is just as mentioned above. A period of time that doesn't involve work at all.
    You do realize that KKS even said that the girls will work under an even more vigrous schedule for the next few months, no? Cuz it says on the news section in this very site - and the man ain't joking. And how about that '10 day break' that was promised in February? Nothing came at all - 10 days of rest doesn't even compare one bit with nearly 3 years of literally constant work. Even the military gives you more time to go home and spend time with your friends and family than that.
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    river reacted to FreakyFlyBri in [12.03.06] T-ara to release first Japanese album and hold Japanese tour in June   
    No, it is not called "disbandment." Disbandment is when the group officially breaks up and announces that they have done so. When I say "break" I mean a vacation. A break is when they are allowed to freely pursue activities outside of work for a set period of time before returning to make a comeback. Plus 4minute and U-Kiss are hardly the best examples to use in this case as they are not nearly as profitable as T-ara or even other groups on their respective labels; they are allowed to have that time off because there are other groups that are able to make profit for their labels. Anyways, I'm not arguing semantics with you. You know the difference between a break and disbandment.
    Just because they are used to having a lot of activities does not mean that they shouldn't be able to take a break, have some personal time to do whatever they please and be able to visit their families without having anything work-related to do. You may be correct that they might not agree to a full, month-long vacation where they aren't expected to do anything, but the option for them to do so would be nice. The body can only take so much before it starts to shut down. If Boram's tweets, Jiyeon's hair loss, Soyeon's public announcement that they need a vacation and her scolding of KKS ON LIVE TELEVISION and Eunjung's injuries don't ring any warning bells for you, then I don't know what will. They've made it pretty clear that they want some time off. There's nothing wrong with that, and there's nothing wrong with the fans that want it for them.
    And they may only need to record a few songs for their Japanese album, but this is also around the time that they will be readying a comeback in Korea, rehearsing for their first ever concert there, and readying themselves for their Japanese tour. It will NOT be an easy time for them. Giving them some REAL time off before summer is in the best interests of the girls and their health. Better yet, spacing out promotions so that they aren't nearly overlapping with each other would be the best course of action. We all saw how wiped out the girls were when they were simultaneously promoting Black Eyes in Korea and Yayaya in Japan...it was not a pretty sight. Long story short, it's okay to be excited about their comebacks but don't shut your eyes to the fact that they are overworked, and they've made it clear themselves that they would like some time off. They've looked very tired during their J-Roly-Poly performances and promotion, so obviously the break you're talking about isn't that great if they aren't looking well-rested. It's common knowledge that most idols are overworked and sleep-deprived, but when the same names keep popping up on the top of people's lists as the most overworked of the bunch (in this case, T-ara), then something is very, very wrong.
    Not trying to start an argument or make you feel bad, I just disagree with your sentiment that they don't deserve some true time off where they are not expected to do anything work-related. EVERYBODY deserves that, regardless of whether their work is their passion or not. After all, your passion can become something you hate when you're not able to take time away from it to do other things. Why do you think KARA nearly disbanded and DBSK split up? They worked entirely too much and saw relatively little personal benefit from it.
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