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Status Updates posted by Sweettreasurer

  1. your in Korea?lol wish you could stay in korea and enjoy your day in korea!^^..

  2. is doing graphics is hard?..

  3. lol don't be jealous, my eyes is misty a little bit!>.<

  4. i'm fine too, what are you doing?..

  5. hey Kuru!i already followed you!^^..it's been a while now, how are you?..

  6. Hongie!i like your avatar, it's so cute!^^..lol how are you?

  7. hi have a nice day!^^..i like your signature it's so cute!:D

  8. i'm fine..what you doing this week?..

  9. lol where the same..i have been review so hard before the exam because i wanna have a great results in my exams but my results in my exam is a bit sad too!T.T so i feel nervous in my grades in my card..

  10. yeah i'm studying so well and i have so many many stiffs this week..so jealous to yah oppa you doing anything!lol btw what's your name?..i'm Maritess but you can call me Tess!^^..

  11. i see your graphics in your own topic..it's really nice and can i use this one to make it prof pic in my profile? http://i52.tinypic.com/9pq82u.png

  12. thanks!^^..btw what's your name?..

  13. Unnie!!it's been a while now, how are you?..

  14. i'm bored Kuru because my new haircut makes me like a weird! T.T and i'm so shy to go to school tomorrow!but my neighbor say i look cute in my new haircut!arggghhh i don't know if my hair fits to me!whatever!lol..

  15. i'm fine!..i see you comment at my status update yesterday about my weird haircut,i think my new haircut not fits to me.~

  16. hi have a nice day!you look friendly!^^..

  17. i'm fine!you?..btw what shall i call you?..

  18. hi have a nice day!^^..

  19. thanks for visiting my profile!why not say hello?lol btw have a nice day!^^..

  20. thanks for visiting my profile!why you not say hello?lol btw have a nice day!wish we could be friends and get to know each other!

  21. Thanks a lot Kuru!!your so sweet!!lol..btw you didn't alrdy follow me on twitter!:(

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