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Everything posted by craZy

  1. [PICS] Areum's graduation (02/07) For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiad...ums-graduation/ CREDIT: Nate.com + craZy + tiaradiadem.com
  2. You have to purchase it as well through the links. Clicks alone are not counted. ;
  3. As a heads up, T-ara doesn't actually appear. They're just playing T-ara's pachinko game.
  4. Yes. :] But you have to actually purchase it through our link instead of just clicking, only then will it be counted haha.
  5. They haven't released the jackets yet, and following up on what asian_kisses said, there should be some softwares that allow you to play different region DVDs or even change the region. :]
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