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Status Updates posted by dora2

  1. alah, biasala tu...hehe..

    xde hal la...

    so, buka apa je hr ni?

  2. x berkenan dgn dia dlm hello baby? mengapakah?

    hm, xde la, biasa2 jer..

    rsenya, suka diorg equally,

    except for soyeon, qri dgn eunjung..

    itu ckit juga ad lebey.. hehehe

  3. err...hwayoung???

  4. hehehehehe.... ok, set!

    btol.. setuju part qri tu...

    well, dia kinda my second bias in t-ara... hehehe....

  5. well, as for me, im being super bias with the main singer.. super junior yesung and kyuhyun, mblaq go, snsd taeyeon, 4 minute gayoon, lots more with some ongoing list.. and ofc soyeon of t-ara.. hehehe..

  6. haah...

    kecik kot dia... hehe, tp, dia comel...

    memang at first, x pernh sgka yg dia tu plg tua..

    well, hopefully, by the time, diorg dtg cni..

    bole la pg tgok.. hahaha...

    *mode berangan* hehehe

  7. btol... memang kemungkinan tu ad..

    tp, tu la.. sush nak ckp sekrg ni..

    lgpon, diorg kan ad mcm2 promotion..

    tp, itu x mustahil kan..

    dlu, x prnh terpk pon yg suju dtg cni..

    apath lg nk pg konsert diorg.. hahahaha

  8. definitely.. he's an amazing singer.. well, at least for me... =) and kyuhyun as well...

  9. owh.. from ur list.. it seems that i only like suju.. but because of yesung, i guess.. hehe..

  10. owh... haah, so far..

    tp, x tau la.. since bnyk sgt group br kan..

    da x tau dah..

    owh, itu satu idea yg menarik..

    just imagine je, mcm sgt mnarik.. hehehe..

    tp, diorg nk dtg cni ke?

  11. supposed to be 13.. plus 2 chinese member..

    tp, skrg ad 10+2 je..

    sorg kinda mia..

    sorg pergi latihan tentera..

    sorg da kluar..

    last yr, plg murah RM 1oo plus la.. da x ingt dah.. tp, thn ni, plg murah pon RM200+..

    cpt btol tiket naik harga..

  12. whoa, thousands girls..

    interesting! hehe..

    so, other than t-ara, i guess, u like snsd too eh?

  13. tgok heroes eh.. x smpt pon tgok lg...

    hm, the rest ok jer la...tp, seblom mnjd agak obses dgn t-ara..hehe..

    suka super jr..

    masa super show2 2010 dlu, pg..kat bkt jalil..

    ds yr, x pg la... bajet xde..

  14. xper2... mesti bole punya..

    all da bez ok..

    so, selain t-ara, suka group lain jgk?

  15. susah jugk eh..

    kat sni, xde akauntan,bole la apply..

    pling tinggi pon, pen. akauntan je..

    big boss kat unit lain.. hehe

  16. dah tu..xmo jd akauntan?

  17. xper... berbaloi tu..

    accountant to be.. gaji bole thn.. hehe

  18. ye la tu kot... sedap mkn dgn rendang jer.. hehe

    owh, xper la... jgn lupa amik gmbr nnt... hehehe..

    akaun kat uitm jengka brp thn eh?

    sme la.. bskut slalu x bnyak.. kerepek je yg lebey..

  19. owh, lepat tu warna dia mcm hijau2 ckit eh nnt.. rupa dia mcm gula2 kan.. hehe.. sbb dia ikat hujung dgn hujung kan.. ke bukan?

    wah, baiknya..!! thn ni x seragm kot warnanya.. last 2 yrs, sedondon purple.. hehe..

    haah, tart bez..! slalu, suka btg buruk, bahulu gulung pon bez jgk.. or, paling2 pon kalo ry, cr kerepek je... hehe...

    biskut moden2 ni, kdg2.. rupa je lawa...

  20. tema apa eh... ntah, x pasti plak.. haha...

    sepasg da siap, warna merah... kot.. hehe..

    x ingat dah..

    hm, owh, da lama gak x buat, dlu masa zmn sekolah2, rajin la jgk..

    hm, ketupat lepat? cmane tu?

  21. erk, owh, ok.. my bad.. sorry for that,

    just pretend, i didnt say it ok..

    hm, poet??

  22. haah.. xper..bila2 free la nnt..

    hehehe.. kan, da besr2 ni, kadg2 raya mcm xde perasaan jer.. hehehe...

    ni cuti, bole la buat kuih raya byk2..

  23. owh, xde la sedey and yeah its love story, tp cara author dia cerita mcm real, menarik..

    dlu2 tanam anggur, slalu la jgk melepak kat situ.. hehe...

    bole la raya skn eh, lama tu.. hehehe

  24. hey, everyone should dream big..

    aim for the moon, even if u fall,

    u'll land among the stars.. hehe..

    whoa,now im talking to a college's jock..

    amazing! ^^

  25. cuti sem kan skrg... lps raya la naik kan...

    dah sethn dah..

    owh, ske jiyeon eh? ad satu fic on jiyeon yg quite nice jgk.. the junction.. interesting la jgk.. tp, dia dgn junhyung..

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