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Everything posted by 선미☆

  1. Elly I can't download anything on my new computer. I can't get any viruses. My old computer crashed cause of all my viruses. Can you send me a raw version from youtube or veoh?

  2. Ok can you give me the link please!

  3. Elly unnie I'm so sorry for being inactive but now I'm coming back to the site because my computer is working again finally. I promise I'll sub thing just give me what I have to sub. :)

  4. Yes Sarah unnie made me one. She's so artistic.

  5. Yes I would love to be friends with you! You like Selena Gomez too?

  6. I could to the short interviews but I might have some blanks so can you or someone else help me with it?

  7. & a gmail. I use the gmail more.

  8. No sadly I do not. I have a yahoo though.

  9. What are you doing? I'm bored, lol.

  10. Hi! Yeon Jae unnie!

  11. I'm fine :) Do you need help with anything to sub? I can't to Soul though. It freaked me out I watched the first and second episode. It was sort of scary. LOL.

  12. Unnie! Ahnyoung! I'm back!

  13. Happy Birthday!

    I don't think you know me.....

    I'm Sun Mi. I'm a subber here at Diadem. Nice to meet you!

  14. What is the show called on your signature? The one with the girl hitting the boy?

  15. Hi! Nice to meet you!

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