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Everything posted by Risker

  1. a clerk? what kind of clerk noona?

  2. Ah!! ne ^_^ I'm korean ^_^ But.... Aren't you a girl? If you are, you would call me oppa otherwise

  3. I want to experience having a younger namdonsaeng here in Diadem that will call me Hyung :( my sister is not enough XD

  4. Ne !! Guess that's still fine ^_^ By The way noona... What's your work?

  5. Hello... Thank You for the add ^_^

  6. Hahahahha You really are becoming an older sister! ^_^ Your not that sincere before ^_^ But oh well... at least I had an "older sister" ^_^

  7. noona is being sincere? Wae? You fine noona?

  8. Ahh.. That would be my Heart Problems... Don't worry noona.. My heart is already fine because I already got a transplant ^_^

  9. few months noona? AHH NE!!! I'm shot back at malaysia but I'm fine don't worry ^_^

  10. Hahhahhahah sure noona ^_^ I'll inform you If I got sick XD

  11. NOONA?! At least celebrate it! as " first Christmas knowing Kuru " XD HAHAHHAHA Just kidding ^-^ yeah... I'll celebrate in the snows... excited!!!! ^_^

  12. Ne Noona... What's Your plans for christmas noona?

  13. Her Birthday is coincidentally On December 12 ^_^ na... always pray for safety noona! ^_^

  14. Yeah Sure! welcome and happy birthday again ^_^

  15. Woah! Happy 15th birthday dude ^_^ I'm your hyung I guess ^_^

  16. yeah I already got it delivered... that's the best thing I can give ^_^ Raining during December.. that's much better than experience Antarctica during Decembers XD

  17. ne! Everything is going fine ^_^ I'm excited with my sister's birthday too! she's turning 18 already :'(.. how bout you noona? how's life?

  18. It's awesome I'm telling you! hahahaha I look like a kid already XD You already watched their live comeback noona?

  19. hhhahaha yeah ^_^ ah ne Noona! Have you already downloaded the t-ara screen saver for cry cry? It's epicly awesome!

  20. hahahahahha seriously noona XD yeah back to korea! some months here and winter christmas back to korea ^_^ finally a snow wonderland!

  21. safely arrived! ^_^ awww noona's calling me cute dongsaeng again! I'm not that cute!

  22. back to Phillipines! next stop... KOREA !!!! ahhhh I love my job!!!!!!!!!

  23. Thanks Noona!you seriously is praising yourself noona! hahhahahaha ^_^ anyway.... I gotta go.. the plane is about to leave.. bye!

  24. noona?! I'm not that type of person shooting randomly! hahahahaha you made me laugh! and be good alright noona? that way we won't meet... for a bad thing XD

  25. OK!! That's SETTLED THEN! I'll listen to Goodbye next because you like it hahahha XD for me Black Eyes is my first album already XD I can't wait for the dance!!

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