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Status Updates posted by Risker

  1. hahahhaha ^_^ I Figured out you hadn't read it ^_^ Please be warned that there is a single R rated scene ^_^ Here's the link : http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14350 ^_^

  2. Hahahhahahaha... maybe... no.. That isn't going to be me.. I want to be myself... I'm an agent.. My sister needs to suffer for me but.. She's also learning law so we can tandem up XD

  3. Hahhahhahah sure noona ^_^ I'll inform you If I got sick XD

  4. Happy 50 Posts!!!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Kuru... Happy Birthday

    1. djsammy


      i wish you a happy birthday too, stay healthy ^^

  6. Happy Birthday Noona! ^_^ Hope you have a happy day and more birthdays to come!!!

  7. happy birthday! ^_^ hope your happy today ^_^

  8. Hate Silent Readers >.<

  9. heeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy i'm sorry if i'm to hesitant to speak to you but... Hello!!! I congratulate you for liking EunRi let's keep it up ok?

  10. Hehehee ^_^ yesung's a good one too noona

  11. hehehehe....... our parents gave us our blessings so no need to worry ^_^

  12. hehehehehehe ^-^ I'll be asking her out on september 12 ^-^ Please don't tell anyone I sneak out of the hospital XD

  13. Hello!!! Is It Your Birthday Today?? Happy Birthday Then ^^

  14. Hello!!! Is It Your Birthday Today?? Happy Birthday Then!!! ^^

  15. Hello!!! Is It Your Birthday Today??? Happy Birthday Then!! ^^

  16. Hello!!! Just dropped by here to say hi... got attraceted by your EunRi icon ^-^

  17. HEllo!!! Thank you for reading the fic.... Yes.... I'll try to make you one ^0^

  18. Hello... Thank You for the add ^_^

  19. Risker

    Hello.... Is It Your Birthday Today??? Happy Birthday Then ^^

  20. Hello~!!!!!! Just wanna congratulate you for your Fan Fiction..... It's Really Nice~!!!!

  21. Her Birthday is coincidentally On December 12 ^_^ na... always pray for safety noona! ^_^

  22. hey there ^^ I'm sorry I hadn't commented on your fic T_T

    1. Risker


      Oh and yeah.. I'll read it all if I have time ^^

  23. hey... thanks for adding me ^0^

  24. heyyy your cute too ^_^ is that you?

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