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Status Updates posted by JiyeonIsLove

  1. haha definitely! ^^ how can people actually hate her?

  2. hello fellow 93-er ^^ i love jiyeon and hwayoung too! xD and they too are older than me by mths.

    nice to meet you =D

  3. wah hols you still got ncc rehearsals arh?

    yup must enjoy the last week ald. then must study=x

  4. icic~ haha.

    sch's starting-.-

    sian.. gotta go sch tmr too..

    doin maths the whole day till at night-.- cant wait for o's to be over~

  5. oh okay~ i shall go thr then=)

  6. haha its okay~ i update myself with t-ara's news more=) but seldom comment.. most of the comments are by my cous. haha...

    i inform him abt new news then he'll come on diadem-.-

  7. haha nope im a girl =) the things wrtten here is by my cousin. we share acct but.. most of the time im on the forum rather than him~ and my fave mem is also jiyeon so i just left whatever is written here untouched=)

  8. haha yup yup~ icic im in 5n2. i nvr tht that i'll see someone from SG and even from my sch to be here.

  9. ouh no lah~ cause you say you're from ccss mah~ so i tht i might know you. lols

  10. hey you in which class?

  11. haha lets just hope that day will come soon!! oh so you're not living in korea? how long have you been living in dubai then?

  12. haha why isnt it impt? nah~ they wouldnt take me thr..my family dont go on holiday except to malaysia.

  13. hello! nice to meet you=)

  14. i cant cause i'll need my parents to take me thr since im only 16.. but they neither of us understands korean so it'll also be a lil inconvenient for us to go thr=(

  15. haha oic. im from singapore~ but i wanna go to korea..

  16. haha! definitely NOT! its jiyeon=)

  17. you mean you tht im the one in my personal photo?

  18. haha its okay~ nah..even if im a girl, i wont be as cute as the one in my pic which is my jiyeon♥ =D

  19. yeah i dont use both. huh girl? whr did you see im a girl o.O

  20. eh~ nope srry i dont use it..

  21. yup! i love her more than anything else =D

  22. hello! wow your're young~

  23. you can love jiyeon but she's mine! xD no snatching!

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