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Status Updates posted by pinkyaya

  1. hehe.. yup..im writing a fanfic.. eunjimin ff.its about friendship.. there will be no couple.. actually, that is one-shot but i change it to on-going coz i already got an idea b4 writing it.. just afraid i dont have a time to update, thats y at first i put as one-shot.. but later, i just change to on-going coz i got a free time..

  2. hehe..aah, lgpon, hp sy mmg setting prepaid broadbnd sbb nnti even xgna internet pon kedit kna tolak..tu yg kna gna settng bb.. sy reg gaklah kt situ..trylah cri ff death game, one nightmare getaway..awk try klik nama bennyyy..try tgk ff die..byk mystery n ff t-ara..mmg best gaklah.. ff cnta sy da bosan ckit skrg coz blk2 jln citer lbh kurng jer.. huhu

  3. hehe..i thought u change ur bias.. hehe.. same goes wif me lol..i also hope i dun chnge my bias.act i tried but failed.. hehe.. juz hope i can be like her.. haha.. erm2.. plus i really like on how she care person who close with her.. i really like her friendship with iu, eunjung, hyomin n heroes member..

  4. hehe..insya allah, ade rezki dpt gak keje ti.. hehe..kpop juz tau t-ara jer.. yg lain xbrape tau sgt.. juz tau nama group jer..members pon juz knl yg dlm citer heroes tu jer..awk?

  5. hehe..klu ikut turutan, sy minat jiyeon, eunjung, hyomin, boram, qri, n soyeon.. hehe..

  6. hehe..me also..23 already.. being old mmg xbest.. haha

  7. Hello.. happy besday.. =)

  8. hey risker.. erm.. i saw a comment in dora2 profile n u post a comment.. " johor.. pontian..." why? just wanna know why u post that.. did u stay there or do u have any relative there?

  9. hey.. thanks 4 da wish..=)

  10. hhaha.. just stalking to ur page.. haha.. joke.. :P

  11. hi wani.. sorry to disturb.. juz wanna said that i cant wait to read ur ff.. "its still the same".. hope u can cont write ur story coz i wanna know what happen next.. =)

  12. hi,.. selamat berkenlan.. =)

  13. hi.. erm.. i read in one of the forum that said u make a fanfic about boram n jiyeon.. is that true? have u post in diadem? coz i wanna read it..i dunno why u scared to post it..

  14. hi.. hi.. i already update my friendship fic.. but sorry, its not really good.. hope u can comment after read.. =) http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17770&st=20

  15. hi.. hi.. i already update my friendship fic.. but sorry, its not really good.. hope u can comment after read.. =) http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17770&st=20

  16. hi.. hi.. i already update my friendship fic.. but sorry, its not really good.. hope u can comment after read.. =) http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17770&st=20

  17. hi.. hi.. i already update my friendship fic.. but sorry, its not really good.. hope u can comment after read.. =) http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17770&st=20

  18. hi..hi..hi..hope u can update ur ff..dangerous and beauty...

  19. hi..i just wanna ask, will u cont ur fanfic Dangerous & Beauty? coz last update is around 3months ago.. waiting for ur update.. hehe

  20. hi..thanks syilah 4 da wish.. =)

  21. huhu..tulah,even sakit2 pon leh smile lgi.. klu dulu, selalu masam jer muka die..tp skrg die btol2 da matured n blaja dr kesilapan kan.. tp syg die xdpt join chuseok show.. sbb of courselah sy xkan tgk if xde die.. haha.. erm2.. ok2.. xdelah, tgk ff die, ade trbace psl die skt tp xtau skt ape.nk tnya die,xtau nk tnya mcmana..tgk awk sllu chat dgn die,tu yg tnya awk jer.. hehe..

  22. kt uitm jengka..now amek degree account.. awl thn depan bru hbis.. suppose hbs dis year,tp sbb cuti da dianjakkn.. tu yg lmbt habis... huhu

  23. lol.. just notice ur birthday on 25august.. sorry for da late wish.. happy belated birthday my friend.. =) wish u happy n healthy always.. smile always k.. =)

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