Public = not Queen's. They don't follow EVERY appearance on shows that T-ara go to. They don't take note of T-ara's personality and behaviour (except negative ones) They dn't care about T-ara. To them, they only know T-ara exists. Therefore they don't know T-ara's personality. I don't blame them if they just read and believe articles but bashing is AN OPTION!They just need to keep their thoughts to themselves which will be a big help to T-ara who is already stressed out because of this thing. Like, Seriously, U watch every show, u find out their personality, some crazy news comes out you'll doubt before believing maybe even questioning to yourself before believing that certain headlines. (Bad ones ofcourse.. Good ones, we'll sure to believe ) *BIG SIGHS* guess this could applies to ex-Queen's... I bet they only like the music and choreo and didnt check their appearance on variety shows. Especially the one that doesnt have scripts like Hello Baby, Haha Mong show and Star Life Theatre..