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Posts posted by Ree

  1. Exactly. I'm pretty sure most groups (especially ones which come from small companies) have animosity between them. The difference with most groups are, they hide it, and if they're smart they'll put it to the side because to succeed they'll have to work together. How are T-ARA going to do that if they're constantly being threatened. It's not a team thing anymore, it's an individual fight. I mean, it makes no sense for T-ARA to simply shun Hwayoung for the sake of it, or simply because she's "new" and they can. It's the mentality that they worked hard as 6 to get to where they were, and suddenly someone else jumps aboard. I'm not condoning the bullying, but it's easy to see that it's more than a case of T-ARA simply being flat out bitches.

    Also look at it this way. Fans who simply observe T-ARA, watch them from their TVs, enjoy their success simply because they're fans, all hated the fact new members were joining. I mean, all that initial animosity towards Hwayoung, let's not forget that. Now, if the fans hate the idea of new members joining, then what about the girls themselves? Hmm.

  2. It's easier to egg on a timid person than someone who has more self-esteem and respect. I'm sure Boram went along just cause...didn't mean it but did so. Qri...just being Qri lol. I also have no idea with Hyomin. In IY, where I first saw her, she is super timid and surprisingly no different the second season. *insert Jackie Chan meme face* I'm just like Hyomin don't take crap from nobody you're from T-ara. But then when I see T-ara videos [Dream Girls, Hello Baby, etc.] she just becomes alive and full of energy. This day and night difference of her behavior around people made my opinion of her drop a tad bit. I still like her but the dual personality thing ain't so cool.

    Eh, Hyomin was totally playing up to an image on Invincible Youth. Variety works by exaggerating things in real life. When Hyomin first joined Invincible Youth, she was with people like Sunny and Yuri (SNSD), Hara (KARA), and Hyuna (who created quite a name for herself despite debuting as the same year as Hyomin), so I'm not surprised that she was a bit of a pushover around them. They took that and exaggerated it for the sake of entertainment. Of course, in the second season, she had to carry that image over despite no longer being a rookie and her group being significantly successful. When it comes to T-ARA, well, she's one of the most popular members, one of the most well known, one of the more talented ones, and an original member, so it makes sense that she'd be a lot more vibrant and straight forward. One thing that's consistent is her desperate cries for attention though. I'm not saying this to hate on her, I think she genuinely is a bit of a loser and I find it endearing, she's my favourite member of the band and was one of my favourite females in K-pop, but IY reminds me that Hyomin is able to show different sides of her pretty naturally, and that it's not beyond her at all to be able to fake being buddy-buddy with Hwa on shows.

    Um, right, the question. I'm pretty sure they bullied her, at the least, there was some isolation going on. But I'm not going to jump straight out and call them bitches -- even though netizens are all about that (digging up the past pics of Hyomin being a delinquent). We all know the kind of crap KKS pulls, we all know how much stress T-ARA goes through, I'm not surprised this happened. Instead of an environment that's about teamwork to pull through, it's about being the last one standing. They're in a battle royal-esque situation, and so what do they do? Pick on the weakest.

  3. Wow, what a dipshit.

    The girls haven't had a proper vacation since debut and he's calling them lazy? Three of the girls (Qri, Boram, and Hwayoung) are hardly ever given exposure by him and he's basically threatening them when he never even gave them a chance in the first place? He goes and messes up their line distribution, makes Eunjung perform with a bad ankle, overworks them, and now he's punishing them? Punishing them for what Kim Kwang Soo? Being your cash cows?

    Does he seriously think people are going to be okay with this? T-ARA is bringing in so many awards as is, he's not going to make things better. If this is about replacing the untalented members, then well... maybe he should have thought about that before adding them in??? Just an idea.

    This is intended to introduce the principle of a competition so the opportunities aren't given to the members who are prideful and lazy.

    Who Kim Kwang Soo? I'm genuinely curious. Hwayoung, Boram, and Qri aren't given any opportunities anyway. And as for the other four? After they break their ankles, work non-stop, and faint, they're lazy?

    I don't understand this guy. He needs to go on a long vacation and stay off the LSD.

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