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    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from Kerotan in [12.07.30] Kim Kwangsoo, "There is a possibility for Hwayoung to re-join.."   
    No, it's not that he blames 6-ara, it's that he doesn't think it's fair to question the validity of a fan's loyalty just because they may not be sure if the bullying claims are true or not.
    Right now some peeps need to take a step back and just breathe. This has gotten completely out of control. This should be a safe place where we, as the fans, should be coming together and talking about all of this in a calm and rational manner...not ripping each other's throats out. T-ara's future is at risk right now, and to be honest I'm not sure it ultimately matters who did what...eight girl's lives (nine if you count Dani) is probably going to be ruined because of a few jerks on the internet with too much time on their hands.
    Regardless of your stance on the matter, right now is NOT the time to be tearing each other down. There are plenty of anti-fans out there who are MORE than happy to put us in our place. Let's not do it to each other.
  2. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from ParkYeonSisters in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    I absolutely HATE the amount of bashing Jiyeon is getting. She has not had a particularly easy life even BEFORE becoming an idol, and needless to say her time in the spotlight has not been without its ups and downs. I think her worst traits are that she's a tad immature and a little bit cold when you first see her, but that has more to do with her look than her actual demeanor. She's a young girl, for God's sake, people need to stop and realize that they are talking about someone's daughter, someone's sister, how in the WORLD would that make them feel if it was them in her or her family's shoes?
    Needless to say I don't believe Jiyeon is guilty of bullying anyone. In her tweet, she applauds the "acting genius." Do I think it was directed at Hwayoung? Absolutely. If she told Japanese reporters that she was horribly upset about turning everything upside down during their Budokan concert and then came right back to Korea and refused a performance, I'd call her out on it too. Not on Twitter, but I'd have words. She was catty, yes, but I do think it was more frustration at Hwayoung than bullying. That's just my opinion on it, anyways.
  3. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from ParkYeonSisters in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Oh, by no means do I agree with what KKS is doing right now. He's only making the girls look worse and worse every time he releases another statement, and I really do wish he'd just shut the hell up. T-ara needs to go on hiatus, that much is clear. Sexy Love will keep until next year, for now, they need a break to clear the air because sending them out for another round of promotions so shortly after this fiasco is simply throwing them out to the wolves.
    Part of me thinks that's their punishment.
  4. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from ParkYeonSisters in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Honestly, and I hate to anger Hwayoung fans, but this whole story fits together much better than any bullying theory I've seen so far. It's still far-fetched since it seems so out of character for Hwayoung, though...but who knows.
    All I know is that Hyomin LIVES for the stage. Had she known in advance that she was going to have to do Hwa's rap she would've had that sh!t memorized and ready to go, because she's a whore for the spotlight. That she not only had to use cue cards to get through the rap but messed it up (poor dear seems to be having a time with on-stage gaffes lately) tells me that something wasn't right.
  5. Like
    FreakyFlyBri reacted to envY in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    I'm glad that there will still be people supporting T-ara through thick and thin.
    Also, I think that's one of the biggest issues surrounding this statement. It's a statement that appeared out of the blue. There's always the possibility that it is in fact true, but not many people will believe it. And if there's a third party statement on the matter, again, not many people will believe it. They will just pass it off as CCM paying someone to help them with damage control. The only possible way for it to be acknowledged as 100% true is if there was some sort of footage. Even if Hwayoung were to admit to doing it, some will still remain skeptical as it could be the result of CCM harassing her to do so.
    Solid fanbase? I'm sorry but if there's something we can take from this whole incident, it's that a lot of the fans are more than willing to jump off the T-ara bandwagon as soon as a scandal like this presents itself.
    I find it oddly suspicious that Hyomin would make a mistake of that kind. She's a professional, if she had even a few hours to practice ahead of time then I'm fairly certain she wouldn't have forgotten the lyrics. I can guarantee I'm not the only one thinking that something was off, especially considering that they had cue cards prepared for the performance.
    Right now, I find it hard to take anything that Hwayoung, T-ara, or CCM says with more than a grain of salt. There's just too many different possibilities for us to think of when it's a truth that only T-ara themselves know.
    A few examples of things I think might be possible:
    1) The members of T-ara were bullying after all - for God knows why - and Hwayoung is in fact the victim here. It's possible that Hwayoung was just expressing her frustration of being bullied.
    2) CCM has falsified a statement just to make Hwayoung look like the villain, and to protect their/T-ara's image.
    3) Hwayoung got tired of CCM's piss poor management and started acting out like this as to instigate a termination of their contract. Thus leaving the other members of T-ara innocent.
    4) Hwayoung couldn't handle the pressure of the fame that came with the Day by Day album.
    Again, this is just speculation. There's still little clarity in this big, unorganized mess. In any case, I'm confident T-ara will endure and eventually overcome this scandal. Everything will eventually die down.
    I still feel it's unfortunate that they let Hwayoung go. But if we put things into perspective, no matter who was at fault here, it would still have been the more profitable option to remove Hwayoung over Eunjung, Jiyeon, or Hyomin - even if it wasn't the best option overall in the long term. I would also like to add that KKS said earlier this year that if any of the members cause any issues, they would be removed. Right now Hwayoung is at the absolute core of things, regardless of who started what.
    To finish things off, I would like to add that I am not picking sides in this situation. And no matter what, I will continue to fully support T-ara. I just hope that the majority of T-ara's fans will join me with that. I will also support any of Hwayoung's future endeavors and hope that she can find success.
  6. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from BeautifulRobot in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    I absolutely HATE the amount of bashing Jiyeon is getting. She has not had a particularly easy life even BEFORE becoming an idol, and needless to say her time in the spotlight has not been without its ups and downs. I think her worst traits are that she's a tad immature and a little bit cold when you first see her, but that has more to do with her look than her actual demeanor. She's a young girl, for God's sake, people need to stop and realize that they are talking about someone's daughter, someone's sister, how in the WORLD would that make them feel if it was them in her or her family's shoes?
    Needless to say I don't believe Jiyeon is guilty of bullying anyone. In her tweet, she applauds the "acting genius." Do I think it was directed at Hwayoung? Absolutely. If she told Japanese reporters that she was horribly upset about turning everything upside down during their Budokan concert and then came right back to Korea and refused a performance, I'd call her out on it too. Not on Twitter, but I'd have words. She was catty, yes, but I do think it was more frustration at Hwayoung than bullying. That's just my opinion on it, anyways.
  7. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from nothingtosay in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Promotions for Sexy Love will go on as scheduled.
    God, I wish he'd just let up on them for a bit. They need to disappear for a while.
    If Sexy Love is a hit then I will trade in my nursing license and work at Burger King for the rest of my life.
  8. Like
    FreakyFlyBri reacted to Oooing in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    LOL this is crazy and funny statement at the same time
  9. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from kuriya17 in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Promotions for Sexy Love will go on as scheduled.
    God, I wish he'd just let up on them for a bit. They need to disappear for a while.
    If Sexy Love is a hit then I will trade in my nursing license and work at Burger King for the rest of my life.
  10. Like
    FreakyFlyBri reacted to kondo in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    "Midas touch"? More like devil's grip. This literally looks like them signing a contract with the devil. In the beginning, KKS angers me, but now...he scares me.
  11. Like
    FreakyFlyBri reacted to goss in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    I do agree that Hwayoung pulling out at the very last minute would explain the issues with that performance - both Eunjung and Hyomin are great at rapping (pull up TTL at the Japanese concert on youtube for instance), so its unlikely they'd need to have copies of lyrics if they had advance notice.
    However, I do believe the negative publicity by KKS are smear tactics - I just keep thinking "PHOTO/VIDEO or it didn't happen!"
    One thing to note though, Hwayoung pulling out of the performance at the last moment would explain why she posted that defensive reply to the others tweets (the guilt would make her feel like they were talking about her rather than the concert).
    She's probably been consoled by her sister in the past and this resulted in the tweets from sis and coach that focus so negatively on the other members (they felt anger for her sake, even if they may not have seen the full picture)
  12. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from Kerotan in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Oh, by no means do I agree with what KKS is doing right now. He's only making the girls look worse and worse every time he releases another statement, and I really do wish he'd just shut the hell up. T-ara needs to go on hiatus, that much is clear. Sexy Love will keep until next year, for now, they need a break to clear the air because sending them out for another round of promotions so shortly after this fiasco is simply throwing them out to the wolves.
    Part of me thinks that's their punishment.
  13. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from Kerotan in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Promotions for Sexy Love will go on as scheduled.
    God, I wish he'd just let up on them for a bit. They need to disappear for a while.
    If Sexy Love is a hit then I will trade in my nursing license and work at Burger King for the rest of my life.
  14. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from BeautifulRobot in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Promotions for Sexy Love will go on as scheduled.
    God, I wish he'd just let up on them for a bit. They need to disappear for a while.
    If Sexy Love is a hit then I will trade in my nursing license and work at Burger King for the rest of my life.
  15. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from Kerotan in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    My heart went out to her while watching that performance too. She clearly struggled. The only thing I would've done different is call Hwayoung out on it in person. This whole mess started because of Twitter, hopefully the girls think twice from now on before taking to it to express their thoughts and opinions on the matter.
  16. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from BeautifulRobot in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    My heart went out to her while watching that performance too. She clearly struggled. The only thing I would've done different is call Hwayoung out on it in person. This whole mess started because of Twitter, hopefully the girls think twice from now on before taking to it to express their thoughts and opinions on the matter.
  17. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from xserenax in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Honestly, and I hate to anger Hwayoung fans, but this whole story fits together much better than any bullying theory I've seen so far. It's still far-fetched since it seems so out of character for Hwayoung, though...but who knows.
    All I know is that Hyomin LIVES for the stage. Had she known in advance that she was going to have to do Hwa's rap she would've had that sh!t memorized and ready to go, because she's a whore for the spotlight. That she not only had to use cue cards to get through the rap but messed it up (poor dear seems to be having a time with on-stage gaffes lately) tells me that something wasn't right.
  18. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from sacrod in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Honestly, and I hate to anger Hwayoung fans, but this whole story fits together much better than any bullying theory I've seen so far. It's still far-fetched since it seems so out of character for Hwayoung, though...but who knows.
    All I know is that Hyomin LIVES for the stage. Had she known in advance that she was going to have to do Hwa's rap she would've had that sh!t memorized and ready to go, because she's a whore for the spotlight. That she not only had to use cue cards to get through the rap but messed it up (poor dear seems to be having a time with on-stage gaffes lately) tells me that something wasn't right.
  19. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from Kerotan in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Honestly, and I hate to anger Hwayoung fans, but this whole story fits together much better than any bullying theory I've seen so far. It's still far-fetched since it seems so out of character for Hwayoung, though...but who knows.
    All I know is that Hyomin LIVES for the stage. Had she known in advance that she was going to have to do Hwa's rap she would've had that sh!t memorized and ready to go, because she's a whore for the spotlight. That she not only had to use cue cards to get through the rap but messed it up (poor dear seems to be having a time with on-stage gaffes lately) tells me that something wasn't right.
  20. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from BeautifulRobot in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Honestly, and I hate to anger Hwayoung fans, but this whole story fits together much better than any bullying theory I've seen so far. It's still far-fetched since it seems so out of character for Hwayoung, though...but who knows.
    All I know is that Hyomin LIVES for the stage. Had she known in advance that she was going to have to do Hwa's rap she would've had that sh!t memorized and ready to go, because she's a whore for the spotlight. That she not only had to use cue cards to get through the rap but messed it up (poor dear seems to be having a time with on-stage gaffes lately) tells me that something wasn't right.
  21. Like
    FreakyFlyBri reacted to HiroM4A in [12.07. 30] T-ara's agency "Hwayoung, refused to perform during a live show, 'I can't go on stage.'"   
    Lies are just everywhere, I dont know where to believe except what I see, I feel.
    From all the thing I know about T-ARA, I choose to believe in them. In case I can see the real proofs that they really did, I'll reconsider believe in them or not but one thing for sure. They can "not always right", but I can "always love them".
    Am I Blind? It's okay then. It's still more reasonable than believe in bunch of things that I dont even know where it come from.
    That's all.
    Ps, What are words if they're only for good times then they dont?
  22. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from sacrod in [12.07.28] Core Contents Media's CEO to make a very big announcement regarding T-ara on the 30th   
    That's not evidence though, that's stuff that can look wrong when presented in the wrong context. I saw ALL of those instances in their original context, and not ONCE did I ever think "Hmmm, Hwayoung sure does seem to be getting a lot of flack from the others." This is a case of a few people having entirely too much time on their hands and nitpicking. Just as much evidence can be found to the contrary, like Hyomin and Eunjung helping Hwayoung put her shoes back on after the Thai concert, or Jiyeon feeding Hwayoung during Flower Boys, or Boram playfully messing around with Hwa at the Idol Olympics by gently hitting her umbrella against hers. Yes, that last one is one of the current ones that has everyone up in arms, and it's complete and utter bullsh!t. Do NOT buy into the netizen's bull, they are out for blood and are looking for every last bit of evidence they can to back up their claims while refuting/ignoring everything that shows they may just be grasping at straws. This is NOT me being a delusional fanboy, this is me be calm and rational, and I'm begging you to PLEASE wait it out until the announcement.
  23. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from scelesters in [12.07.28] Core Contents Media's CEO to make a very big announcement regarding T-ara on the 30th   
    That's not evidence though, that's stuff that can look wrong when presented in the wrong context. I saw ALL of those instances in their original context, and not ONCE did I ever think "Hmmm, Hwayoung sure does seem to be getting a lot of flack from the others." This is a case of a few people having entirely too much time on their hands and nitpicking. Just as much evidence can be found to the contrary, like Hyomin and Eunjung helping Hwayoung put her shoes back on after the Thai concert, or Jiyeon feeding Hwayoung during Flower Boys, or Boram playfully messing around with Hwa at the Idol Olympics by gently hitting her umbrella against hers. Yes, that last one is one of the current ones that has everyone up in arms, and it's complete and utter bullsh!t. Do NOT buy into the netizen's bull, they are out for blood and are looking for every last bit of evidence they can to back up their claims while refuting/ignoring everything that shows they may just be grasping at straws. This is NOT me being a delusional fanboy, this is me be calm and rational, and I'm begging you to PLEASE wait it out until the announcement.
  24. Like
    FreakyFlyBri got a reaction from Kerotan in [12.07.28] Core Contents Media's CEO to make a very big announcement regarding T-ara on the 30th   
    That's not evidence though, that's stuff that can look wrong when presented in the wrong context. I saw ALL of those instances in their original context, and not ONCE did I ever think "Hmmm, Hwayoung sure does seem to be getting a lot of flack from the others." This is a case of a few people having entirely too much time on their hands and nitpicking. Just as much evidence can be found to the contrary, like Hyomin and Eunjung helping Hwayoung put her shoes back on after the Thai concert, or Jiyeon feeding Hwayoung during Flower Boys, or Boram playfully messing around with Hwa at the Idol Olympics by gently hitting her umbrella against hers. Yes, that last one is one of the current ones that has everyone up in arms, and it's complete and utter bullsh!t. Do NOT buy into the netizen's bull, they are out for blood and are looking for every last bit of evidence they can to back up their claims while refuting/ignoring everything that shows they may just be grasping at straws. This is NOT me being a delusional fanboy, this is me be calm and rational, and I'm begging you to PLEASE wait it out until the announcement.
  25. Like
    FreakyFlyBri reacted to Mongrolian in [12.07.28] Core Contents Media's CEO to make a very big announcement regarding T-ara on the 30th   
    People talk a lot about having rose-colored glasses on, but then there are also um, "trash-colored glasses" too?
    Said without idiom, just because things aren't as good as you once thought they were, that doesn't mean they're as bad as the worst you can imagine either. For those of you feeling down about any of this, try to take it in perspective. I've heard that older people are more accepting of different people than young people are. Maybe it's because they've dealt with disagreements enough to know that most people are at least okay.
    Hey hey, yes let's. There was actually more maybes I wanted to throw out there but I guess it wouldn't help anything.
    But just about the turtle thing, I'm pretty sure Hwayoung also said something about things happening for a reason too.
    But mostly, yeah, I'm sorry I used the word "bullying" too, even if I qualified it or used q. marks or whatever I did. Buzz words, you know? 'Cause yeah,
    It could just be that she went a little far in her reaction.
    I don't want to get anyone down, but I have some experience in dealing with negative feelings. The old Girl's Day song, Nothing Lasts Forever. I know the lyrics don't really go with this, but the English lines... even if the song sounds pessimistic, they sing that line with a kind of joy that kind of turns the rest of the song on its head. No, it might not last forever but what it was! Wasn't it something?
    We should accept the transience of things, but we should not focus on it - it's like a fireworks show. There is only a flash - but what a flash it was.
    Folks, whatever we got coming, it will still be life. Hyomin still did IY, Eunjung and Jiyeon still did their stints on Dream High, Hwayoung still did come up big in this latest release, Soyeon still has that dramatic voice, Boram still put graphics on her selcas, Qri still "doubled" for Jiyeon in Lovey Dovey, and yes, Areum still debuted well as a performer, and Dani did what she had to in the vid.
    Thing is, you probably don't remember or even know the worst things about yourself, but if people knew those things about you, they'd have reason not to like you, you know? But they'd still be wrong to turn their backs on you.
    Peace, folks. Peace.
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