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Everything posted by superbonto

  1. I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/QATtAjTkaf [MV] JUNIEL _ I think I’m in love(연애하나 봐)

  2. I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/xYXNBwBn25 Kvitland - Nasi Padang

  3. RT @Brown_Saraah: This is EXACTLY why rape victims are so afraid to speak out. The fact that she was treated this way is so disgusting http…

  4. ini lebih gagal daripada jifor sih IMO https://t.co/H6y6lwC5LI

  5. one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by https://t.co/3mcPhPCpXv

  6. RT @bebiben: Hmm.. https://t.co/5LDjDQB7NJ

  7. RT @aMrazing: Kolom komentarnya mewakili apa yang mau gue omongin. RIP, Hai. https://t.co/tOYbGBjZUB https://t.co/zeig0FRCiW

  8. Stasiun Tawang - Stasiun Cawang

  9. RT @Ciel_duke: Terus pas lagi khutbah ritual mereka speakernya dinyalain keluar... max level volume... Gue pingin tahu ada yang keberatan…

  10. Udah males main pokego. Sue me.

  11. RT @irvankarta: Suka kesel kan kalo mau makan, meja-nya kosong tapi banyak sampah bekas pengunjung sebelumnya? Nah, kitanya jangan gitu jug…

  12. @prasetyoh lah, kenapa? Bosen pake MM?

  13. RT @elwielwi: Betol. Manusia baca apa yang ia mau baca, bukan apa yg seharusnya ia baca. Teori disonansi kognitif https://t.co/x7UWIF6btn

  14. RT @hotradero: Dari @suwandiahmad https://t.co/jI37WyRobb

  15. 2 people followed me and one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by https://t.co/3mcPhPkP5X

  16. RT @aMrazing: joke kayak gini nggak cuma nggak lucu tapi juga downright disgusting apalagi ke orang yang gak lo kenal. https://t.co/7jXVrHn…

  17. RT @radixhidayat: YA REZA RAHADIAN LAH https://t.co/9eATOXo4HY

  18. Am I the only guy who survived relationship break?

  19. bioskop koq isinya masih aadece ama sipil wor sik...

  20. RT @guardian530: 움직이는 정은비가 넘나 보고싶어서 움짤......! https://t.co/K7DbiYzTPC https://t.co/vEmCQLyupi

  21. one person followed me and one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by https://t.co/3mcPhPkP5X

  22. Kowawa! RT @zicil: yes it's march the 1st and dude, @caesariop really coming home! xD

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