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Everything posted by Mudkipzxc

  1. RT @sophiedukebox: I literally can’t deal with my aunties anymore. This is entrapment. https://t.co/tL46lqLvL5

  2. RT @TracyIvrsnMrnd: RT for goodluck? https://t.co/BTNxU0n1ty

  3. RT @isailangIey: i was sent this blessing today so I wanna share too haha https://t.co/OZjTD5YCIN

  4. RT @tomhupdates: Infinity War exclusive video. https://t.co/g1IhtpQRzg

  5. RT @Lionheart0075: #SharkFinSoup is still eaten across much of China. It‘s a barbaric practice. Sharks are butchered for their fins, throw…

  6. RT @sbstnshn: I'm anti-social, yet social. I don't talk to people first, but when someone talk to me first I'm up for talking to them. Some…

  7. RT @m1ldl1fe: If only this poor sod realized that we are an indie band from Singapore lmao https://t.co/yWLpRqkMa1

  8. RT @FreeMemesKids: OMG https://t.co/4vgOdfWmvd

  9. RT @aimansalim_: https://t.co/VxaXYGzoiu

  10. RT @TheShawCross: What a xxxxing prick. Messi literally gave him a career and here he is, talking smack about him. Double leg break needed…

  11. RT @its_kazkaan: walking to school in the morning, heard this chinese lady shouting "cheebye buto punya pundeh" racial harmony is beautiful

  12. RT @blackmirror: We know how this goes. https://t.co/1nTDxuOrlD

  13. RT @SimpnMild: Omg im so scared of $10 billion https://t.co/ZEpNceq5ux

  14. RT @JamesCageWhite: I'm in a hotel, I find a new girlfriend, we share the room last night , but we did't do anything, there are 2 beds,it's…

  15. RT @dodo: This little animal might have the world's cutest smile ? https://t.co/AAc6LPZ9Je

  16. RT @Coup_Of_Hannie: I just realized that I shared this on Facebook right before I started getting expensive orders and clients that tip ver…

  17. RT @Yesmarkno: Lmaooooooo this what happens when you give niggas a phone and internet access https://t.co/IALuY8WQqO

  18. RT @Ratchet: “yeah it’s lavender air freshener” https://t.co/DQAkxEJiUi

  19. RT @LiamPaulCanning: Quite staggering how Manchester United continue to spend hundreds of millions of pounds, yet are still a long way off…

  20. RT @nevesytrof: That's it, best family costume prize already won this year. https://t.co/37iWgkvKgo

  21. asdfasdfasdfasdf https://t.co/WzHpsT0VNF #JoshOG #DucksFlyTogether

  22. RT @KykNoord_: Time for a belly rub ??????#GottaLuvNature❤️ https://t.co/DLzaglij76

  23. @Tammykohhh update to 11.0.1!!

  24. RT @richeeeeee: i'm not crying, you're crying https://t.co/yjTfBBjr1v

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