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Everything posted by andi_yo

  1. SOYEON'S SEXY BUTT - soyeon-fanboy: http://t.co/QSGNvx88

  2. *dying* http://t.co/R4GRG9YP I don't know what's more cute. Hyomin hugging the audience or the Eunmin backhug añsldkjfalñsdkjflñaskjglñaksjf

  3. lucasmychan: hyominfangirl:

    Pervert-ara hahahahahaha (I’d have done the same LOOOL)

    Total disagree with you… http://t.co/0b7BPaX7

  4. Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful? Isn’t she precious?Isn’t she pretty? Truly the angel’s best. ♥ <333 http://t.co/JsdqPc7c

  5. Haahahahaha My new DP hahahaha so cute :3

  6. Next spams will be... - 1. #HYODORKABLESPAM asked by laycxjy07

    2. #LOVEYDOVEYSPAM asked by aliceteatime

    3. #Hhttp://t.co/ouIkxlXd

  7. Sleepy... Good night ^^

  8. You want a Hyomin or T-ara pic (or gif)? Just ask^^ - If I don't have it, I'll find it for you ^^ (or try to … http://t.co/0wxI9kDm

  9. Que ha intentado hacer que!? Hahaha tu mismo lo dices. Intentado. Porque no, no se parecia a Lenny Kravitz o como se escriba.

  10. hahahah How do I always end up turning T-ara into cartoons hahaha Last time it was Areum (Arale), this time Hyomin http://t.co/h9w0agDy :3

  11. Minnie... YOU! ADORKABLE THING!! http://t.co/liwhz0Ka http://t.co/WUu1UzGV How can someone be so adorkable??? :3

  12. Davichi left the company. T-ara won't leave that company and you know it.

  13. Anyway... Good night everybody! ^^

  14. "@autocorrects: There's a fine line between having a tan, and looking like you rolled in Doritos." why am I thinking avout Hyuna? O.o

  15. Min 4:00

    Areum made a heart with her arms :3 Adorable! ^^

    Soyeon, WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE!!!?? asdfslñkdfjañskdfj… http://t.co/deZ9eTzd

  16. New ship/OTP. Hyomin and her piggy doll hahahahaha http://t.co/QpC8B2Aa How can she be so cute!! :3

  17. hahaha Minnie is so cute! :3 This photobook will be awesome! ^^
  18. asdñfjasdfkajsñfklajs Love them! Awesome outfit! http://t.co/tmoRbJfA

  19. So sleepy... ㅂ.ㅂ good night!! ^^

  20. Cuando llegue a cas aabo de actualizr el fanclub que antes no me dio tiempo :3

  21. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahaha LMAO http://t.co/GEVN00eH

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