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Status Updates posted by wizzardess

  1. ;A; ;A; ;A; *FLAILS* I CAN'T https://t.co/SBPxpo20vn

  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O-<-< [Double S 301(더블에스301)] - 아하(AH-HA) (MUSIC VIDEO) https://t.co/32mgj9rT0O

  3. ? infamous-legacy: kennedying: bemusedlybespectacled: flockof: stayingwoke: intergalacticsociety: But... https://t.co/6FxsDJSE27

  4. ?? https://t.co/fsTj0j5kVd

  5. "How much are you not a witch? Like percent wise" .... I don't know how to answer that....

  6. @audiosexual ....what is ittttt? ^_^

  7. @audiosexual *tilts head* I feel like these sides of my life shouldn't be anywhere near each other, tbh.

  8. @audiosexual thank you darling!!! ♡♡

  9. @backtowinnipeg thank you, hun!!! :D ♡

  10. @Inoru88 9th is Gastro...needs stronger prilosec :( and f/u for enlarged stomach (organ). But still happy as ever! Trying to stand/walk

  11. @Inoru88 yeah, 3 months early :-/

  12. @Mariiesen so that's good :D we have more tests next month, unless his pee output goes down

  13. @Mariiesen Terrible! I would cry a thousand years if I was allergic to those spices ;~; I need the spice like I need air! lol

  14. @Mariiesen Thank you!! <3

  15. @Milaimproves Awww! Poor baby! Is this Koda? Did I remember the name correctly? I hope he heals quickly!!

  16. @starrypeaches :( not good. I hope things get resolved and you're no longer being manipulated <3 You don't deserve… https://t.co/xkTNVcLC44

  17. @starrypeaches d'awwww ;A; ;A; *Flails* are you mailing or e-mailing? Either way, they're coming to me directly ha THANK YOU SO MUCH *GLOMP*

  18. @TheGreatGouki it's okay :) I appreciate the thought, though! I just hope they don't cancel it bc he's been coughing :(

  19. @TheSerraniTwins obviously, it's time to buy new clothes and burn the basement down

  20. #same RT @Inoru88 Mmmm someone send me a pepperoni pizza pls. ∗drools∗

  21. ∗cries∗ https://t.co/bKQgJnKIni

  22. Also... ~Chinaline *cries forever* I miss them so.

  23. Baby was just taken to neonatal ICU. Idk how long he'll be there. :-/

  24. Da fuq @tastelikedoubt https://t.co/PdAzVtHJE1

  25. Getting ready for my at least week long hospital stay with pukeface. :-/

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