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  1. Like
    pandasquares reacted to vancew90 in [15.09.15] Hyomin throws a perfect first pitch for the Pittsburgh Pirates   
    On Septmeber 13 (US Time), South Korean girl group T-ara's Hyomin attended the Major League Baseball tournament between Pittsburgh Pirates and Milwaukee Brewers. She was invited by baseball player Kang Jung Ho to throw the first pitch for Pittsburgh Pirates and garnered a lot of attention.

    Hyomin wore a baseball top with a pair of white skinny jeans, showing off her perfect body. It is worth mentioning that Hyomin's baseball pitching skills were comparable to a professional baseball player and garnered a lot of attention from the baseball fans watching the game. Hyomin successfully threw the ball into Kang Jung Ho's hands. They received great cheers and applause from the audience. Hyomin is the first South Korean idol to have the honor of making the first pitch for the Pittsburgh Pirates.

    Previously, Hyomin shared pictures of her baseball practices back in South Korea on her personal Instagram account, garnering lots of attention and responses.

    Source: Newsen
  2. Like
    pandasquares reacted to Beckhie in [15.09.11] Jiyeon's brother Hyojoon undergoes liver transplant for critically ill father   
    Such touching news are known only after it happened.

    T-ara girl group member, Jiyeon's brother, Park Hyojoon, underwent liver donation for their critically ill father who was suffering from a life-threatening condition of liver cirrhosis.

    A media source on the 10th said that Park Hyojoon completed the liver donation transplant to his father in May and resumed his duty after that.

    The news was learnt from the military newspapers published in May. At that time, Park Hyojoon, who was serving in the land army unit 6 77 troops, donated 70% of his liver to his critically ill father. His father's condition was life-threatening if he didn't undergo liver transplant and upon successful matching, he underwent the major surgery.

    As the news of "Park Hyojoon soldier" spread, no one knew that this soldier was the brother of Jiyeon.

    Close source of Hyojoon told OSEN that "it was a difficult situation when they couldn't find a suitable match for the transplant."  His father strongly objected to receiving the liver from his son who had a bright future. Hence, Hyojoon underwent the surgery in the capacity of a "stranger" and his father knew of it only after the surgery ended. It was such a touching story.

    Park Hyojoon was previously cast in Mnet's Super Star K3, where he attracted a lot of attention for being "Jiyeon Brother."


    Source: http://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1110243971
    Chinese trans via zhu-er @ Tiara tieba
    Eng trans by Beckhie @ TiaraDiadem
  3. Like
    pandasquares reacted to vancew90 in [15.09.06] T-ara sits down for an interview with Sina Entertainment - T-ara likes Jay Chou & TF Boys!   
    Sina Entertainment News had the pleasure to interview Korean girl group T-ara. They had just released their 11th mini album So Good and signed a contract with one of the wealthiest man in China, Wang Sicong under his entertainment agency Banana Project. On top of that, T-ara still has many other plans for activities in China.

    The love that T-ara has for their fans was also demonstrated through an occurence on the day of the interview. A male T-ara fan and student saw T-ara through the glass window of the cafe where T-ara was having the interview. He mustered his courage to approach them and said, “I am a fan of yours, can I have a picture with you all?”

    Just when T-ara’s manager was about to stop him, the members quickly responded, “please wait for us, we are having an interview.” 30 minutes later, the members went to look for the male student and took a group picture with him. They also asked about his school and which grade he was studying in before wishing him good luck and asking him to study hard.


    The transcript of the interview:

    Sina Entertainment: After the promotions of your latest album and the China Tour this year, what do you want to do? Will the members stick together or do you all have your own personal plans?

    Soyeon: Previously, we went to Europe for a photo shoot together as a group. We were in Europe for about 10 days, but we didn’t exactly have time to walk around much. We have pretty low chances to fly to Europe again but I hope that we can visit Europe together once again for another photo shoot. This time, we want to show a more mature side of us, followed by a group vacation.

    Eunjung: If we have the time, I hope that we can appear on a few Chinese variety shows like 'Hurry Up, Brother!' etc. Although our Mandarin isn’t fluent, I remember watching Choo Jahyeon appear on a variety show. She went to experience the life of being a daughter-in-law in a Chinese village. If all of us could appear on variety shows filmed outdoors, I think it will be an interesting and realistic experience. Studio-based variety shows are not bad too, but I prefer variety shows where we can show a more personal side of us. Thus, outdoor variety shows would bee better, we can film and play at the same time.

    Qri: I want to learn how to play sports like Tennis.

    Hyomin: I want to enroll into a university as soon as possible, I want to be a graduate. It’s hard for me now.

    Eunjung: Universities and tertiary institutions have very demanding standards. However, if you really have the heart, I believe that there are chances out there.


    Sina Entertainment: You had collaborated with China’s popular duo Chopstick Brothers for 'Little Apple' and received great response. Other than this song, what other China singers and Chinese songs do you like?

    Soyeon: I had watched Jay Chou’s movie Initial D in the past and became his fan. I also listen to his music and I think his songs are really charismatic. My dream is to be able to collaborate with Jay Chou; he can play the music while I sing. I also like Joey Yung, especially the song 'Wings Waving Girl' (literal translation, English version: Proud of You). If there is a chance, I hope I can try covering it.

    Eunjung: TF BOYS, although the members are quite young, they are indeed an immensely popular idol group in China. We had previously met them twice at award ceremonies. Their fan base in South Korea is pretty big too, so I really look forward to a chance to collaborate with them.

    Hyomin: All the other members had appeared on dramas, movies etc. I really want to collaborate with various Chinese celebrities, be it singing or filming.


    Sina Entertainment: Every member has appeared in dramas, movies, plays, musicals etc. Which member do you all think is the most natural in acting? Or does anyone think that she is better than someone else? How has performing arts helped the members?

    All members: Boram is the most natural, she performs with her heart, so it feels very realistic.

    Eunjung: There seems to be a fixed standard for acting. When I watch movies, I would think, “I must use this tone to speak if I were to act out this role,” there seems to be this standard that the audience expects. If I were to deviate from that standard, it seems to give off a different feeling, which might not be good.

    Soyeon: When I watch television, take an animated film for example, the Little Mermaid. When the Little Mermaid was speaking to Sebastian the crab, a random fish suddenly swam past and spoke in a human voice. It’s this kind of feeling, she (Boram) uses her acting to perfectly express (the character’s) feelings, just like how we would in real life, Boram is like this.

    Boram: My thoughts? I think (everyone) is pretty good. Other than myself, the other members have appeared quite a few times on television. Although I have the chance to appear on a web drama this time round, I have not appeared much on television. I had chatted with my mom regarding matters about the other members, we talked about good and regretful things. Their acting are all natural. Because it’s them, I believe that they can do it well. Eunjung has appeared on quite a few dramas since she was young, Qri is very pretty and she acts well, and it is needless to say for Jiyeon. Although Soyeon’s acting is natural too, she did not have much opportunities. Hyomin’s performance has been quite good too.

    Soyeon: Hyomin is suitable for comedies. After filming the web drama, I feel that she’s really a comedy queen. She is able to bring humor to the stage too, it’s very good.

    Hyomin: There isn’t much to be regretful about - everyone has appeared on television before. If we are not singing, we would be performing on stage, so we don’t really have time to watch each other’s works. It’s very rare we're under the same studio, which gave us the chance to watch each other’s acting. Although there are some parts of the web drama where we could have done better, sitting together and watching each other’s acting was quite interesting and fun.


    Sina Entertainment: Compared to other idol groups, T-ara’s advantage or secret weapon is that every member has acting experience. Furthermore, you all have talent in acting, which is a very good advantage for a celebrity.

    Eunjung: We all have our strengths and we know how to utilize them. Because we are usually busy with music schedules, we don’t really have the time to improve our acting. But we've been learning since debut because of the chances that we had to appear in plays, while some of us had acting experience even before debut.

    Soyeon: Actually, we were preparing to appear on television shows before we gathered to debut together as T-ara. That’s why we are both singers and actresses coincidentally.


    Sina Entertainment: Do you intend to have new activities in South Korea? If there is a chance, would you want to enter the movie industry in China? What kind of media do you really want to appear in?

    Soyeon: Eunjung just starred in 'I Love You From Today' and the filming just finished not long ago. Jiyeon starred in 'Encounter' and will be aired in China soon. Recently, we have just finished the filming of 'Sweet Temptation' and will be aired on television and can be streamed on Hong Kong, China, Japan and South Korea's websites. As such, we had officially debuted in China as actresses and will have chances to appear on various media . Everyone can watch us on Chinese television and we hope to have more chances to appear on Korean television.

    Hyomin: 'Sweet Temptation' will be aired on South Korean websites next month, SBS MTV will be broadcasting it as well.


    Sina Entertainment: T-ara members have displayed their individual charms through 'Sweet Temptation.' Because some of the episodes were rated 15+ and 19+ through various posters, many are looking forward to watch. How are the episodes? Are you all satisfied with the male actors you all were paired with? Would you want to work with them again in the future if there is a chance? (Kim Shi Hoo, Kim Jae Wook, Seo Jun Young, Lee Joong Moon, Jang Su Won, Hyun Woo)

    Soyeon: 19+? We had to adjust our acting because we thought about our fans. We intentionally made it less provocative, so the drama will not be like the poster, but it will still be quite sexy.

    Hyomin: Kim Shi Hoo is really handsome. When I saw him, I couldn’t help but to be in awe, he’s really too handsome.

    Soyeon: Kim Shi Hoo is not your usual handsome man, he is still very handsome in his unique way. I’ve always accepted any roles that was thrown to me, but I hope that I would get an innocent character role in a love drama. I’m looking forward to show my gentle side through the role. The other 5 members are really good in acting but it seems like their images did not fit perfectly into their roles. There is one scene where Kim Shi Hoo stopped crying and looked into Boram’s eyes. I can feel that he was using his eyes and expression very well. I think it would be nice if I get the chance to cast alongside him in a love story.

    Boram: I think Kim Shi Hoo, my male lead partner in the drama is the best. I also want to try acting with Seo Jun Young, his acting is really natural, I like that kind of acting.

    Qri: Kim Shi Hoo, my reason is quite similar to Soyeon’s. He’s also my age, I really want to partner with someone my age.

    Everyone: Has Kim Shi Hoo become T-ara’s ideal man? (laugh)

    Eunjung: I want to star in a movie like 'Two Cops' (1993) with Seo Jun Young. A romance and action movie, which is also filled with suspense and humor. 'Two Cops' has that kind of feel to it. It seems like only Seo Jun Young can pull off this kind of multi-genre movie.

    Jiyeon: Seo Jun Young. His acting is really good, that’s the only reason I guess. I felt very comfortable during the filming together too.

    Eunjung: Actually I really wanted to act in a love drama with Kim Jae Wook, to feel his love.


    Sina Entertainment: What is T-ara's secret to taking good care of their body and figure? What is each member's personal recommendations? And also skin care tips.

    Qri: My thighs would swell up because of water retention easily. I would wear tights and elevate my thighs with a pillow underneath. I'm not sure how well this works, but I can see the difference.

    Jiyeon: I would massage myself regularly to improve blood circulation and to relax my body.

    Boram: Massage and sauna. When there is swelling due to water retention, I would sweat it out first, then massage. That would increase the effectiveness.

    Eunjung: I would remove my makeup and rinse my face after schedules. As I get older, I pay more attention to my skin so I would apply facial masks and cosmetic products before I go to bed.

    Hyomin: I'm like Qri since we always share the same room when we are on schedules overseas. I wear tights to sleep for 5 years now. I probably don't wear them for 20 nights (out of the 5 years). I'll have half body baths, where I would soak my lower body in beer or rice wine. I really want to drink beer but I would get dehydrated easily if I drink right after a half body bath in alcohol. I'm recently into Flying Yoga, hope I can learn more about it.

    Soyeon: I'm not born skinny or slim, I would put on weight even if I exercise or control my diet. I don't like exercising, my blood circulation isn't good so I constantly suffer from swelling and water retention. My kidneys aren't in the best shape either, but I didn't care much in the past. I used to go on unhealthy diet regimes to lose weight and it compromised my health, making my swelling and water retention worse. Later on I decided to plan a proper diet regime, a 6-month plan of low-salt diet, or even not putting salt in my food at all, only a little bit of sesame oil. I stopped fasting but strictly no food at night. I also learned Pilates, which I kind of like. My standing posture improved as a result and I realized that I look better in pictures now.


    Sina Entertainment: What would your occupation be if you’re not a celebrity?

    Eunjung: I like speaking, so I want to be a news anchor. I like poking around too, so I guess being a lawyer might not be too bad.

    Jiyeon: Athlete? I think I will be a Taekwondo player. I can smash 3 boards.

    Boram: My dream is to be a kindergarten teacher or a dean of an orphanage, something like that.

    Soyeon: My dream in the past was to be a news anchor. When I was in high school, my teacher recommended me to be a news anchor too - I might prepare for a news anchor entrance examination. I have recently liked pets more. I have always loved small animals and am constantly engaged in social work to care for stray dogs, so this is another area that I would consider.

    Hyomin: Fashion stylist, or a fashion magazine editor, something along those lines.

    Qri: I will continue being a trainee, constantly work hard towards debut.


    Sina Entertainment: It has been almost 7 years since you all debuted in 2009, has there been any changes in terms of performance on stage? Apart from stage performance, what other big transformations have you went through?

    Eunjung: The expressions and eye contact that we have with our fans during concerts has become more natural. We didn’t have this kind of skills when we were rookies. We didn’t know if the fans would like it and we were not sure how to pull it off. However, we know that the fans love us. We know that they love our eye contact with them, drawing hearts, dancing etc. The biggest transformation is probably our matured stage presence and charisma. On the other hand, the biggest change that we had made since our debut was our ability to think on our own feet. We needed to depend on others to tell us what to do, when to do it. Now, we make our own decisions and we better understand our fans’ intentions. We received everyone’s love, it’s natural that we have to repay everyone. As a result, we have learned to be more responsible.

    Soyeon: Although it is a little embarrassing to say it out, I think I have more self-awareness now. I had debuted at a young age so I didn’t know how to take care of myself and wasn’t self-aware. This is actually very important for a celebrity. In the past, I was very shy to look at myself perform. I should have watched videos of myself more often to know how I could improve. As time passed by, I realized the importance of self-awareness so I started working out.

    Hyomin: My long-time dream came true. Although I don’t have a specific goal, but my dream has been fulfilled. Because everyone recognizes and acknowledges T-ara now. Many people like T-ara, they know how to sing our songs, and know how others like us. We have became closer to each other and we want to repay the love from our fans. The biggest change I think, is that I have grown to feel more responsible towards T-ara.

    Soyeon: We are at our peak recently.

    Hyomin: My biggest goal is for everyone’s memory of T-ara to be beautiful.

    Eunjung: We love T-ara and our fans.


    Sina Entertainment: There are quite a few new rookie groups that have just debuted. Which rookie group has caught your attention the most? How is your sister-group DIA?

    Hyomin, Jiyeon, Eunjung, Boram: GFriend, they are very awesome and adorable.

    Soyeon: Laboum. We were there during the rehearsal before their debut stage. Although they are better than us, whenever I look at them, it reminds me of us in the past. We did pretty well at that time too.

    Hyomin: DIA is our younger sister-juniors, please love them.


    Sina Entertainment: What do you all think is the reason for T-ara’s solid and huge fan base in China? Why is T-ara enjoying so much popularity? What do each member think her own individual charm is?

    Soyeon: Actually, our seniors had set the foundation of the Korean wave in China very well 10 years ago. They are the ones that created the Korean wave, we are just following in their footsteps. All 6 of us have our own unique strengths, which also mean that we can fit into many different concepts. Although not every one of us have distinctive and outstanding strengths, we are able to create many wonderful things as a 6-member group. Our fans know this very well, that’s why they love us so much. We also think that it is very important to constantly interact and engage with fans, which is why many people are coming to like us, and become fans too. We owe our popularity to our fans and seniors.

    Eunjung: Just like Soyeon had said, the Korean wave has always been here. We appeared on television because of the Korean wave trends and managed to boost our reputation. Our music is also tailored to fit the public taste, which is well-accepted by Chinese fans. They really like our music style and concepts. Even if we were to try many different styles and concepts in the future, we will not forget the group’s unique strengths, choreographies, styles. These suit the tastes of Chinese fans. Their population is huge and they like various music styles, this could be the reason why they love us so much - because we are able to meet their expectations of pulling off various styles and concepts.


    Sina Entertainment: When do Boram and Soyeon intend to start their Sina Weibo accounts? Fans are looking forward to it.

    Soyeon: I really want to start one, but it feels very difficult. I’m not good with computers and technology. Instagram is much easier - it’s just uploading pictures. Weibo is all in Mandarin so I feel that it’s difficult for me. I really want to try, I intend to start one with the help of my Mandarin language teacher.

    Boram: I just started Instagram too. I’m really not good with technology, but I’ll try to start one soon.


    Source: Sina Entertainment
  4. Like
    pandasquares reacted to renny69 in [14.10.04] Video HD - Sugar Free - T-ara @ MBC "Sky Festival"   
    [14.10.04] Video HD - Sugar Free - T-ara @ MBC "Sky Festival" 






    Cre: Bestiz

  5. Like
    pandasquares reacted to xbot in [14.10.01] Info - Fuse & Billboard on T-ara Sugar Free (English Version)   
    [14.10.01] Info - Fuse & Billboard on T-ara Sugar Free (English Version)
    I can't believe I just noticed these articles:
    The 13 Best New Dance Songs We Heard This Month - Fuse.TV  Sept. 29
    So Fuse.TV just chose Sugar Free (English Version) as one of their 13 BEST NEW DANCE SONGS in September!

    Listen to T-ara's English Version of David Guetta-Esque Single 'Sugar Free' - Billboard Sept.24
    T-ara is going global baby!
    Also if you missed it (no link since its subscribers only):
    Billboard World Digital Chart - (Weekly as of Sept.27)

    Credit: Billboard 
  6. Like
    pandasquares reacted to nathaniel in [14.09.29] Info - Girl's Day Hyeri talks about her friendship with Jiyeon   
    [14.09.29] Info - Girl's Day Hyeri talks about her friendship with Jiyeon

    Girl’s Day Hyeri and Jiyeon share the lead MC role on SBS MTV’s The Show, but they’re not just co-workers – they’re close friends too!
    Hyeri was interviewed by The Mute on the 29th of September and she talked about her friendship with Jiyeon.
    Hyeri said, “I’m very close with Jiyeon unnie. We’re only one year apart and we share the same blood type. Our birthdays, too, are just two days apart. We also have this one anecdote. I transferred to a new high school when I debuted, back then I inherited Jiyeon unnie’s uniform. Jiyeon unnie is good to me. Since Jiyeon unnie has experience as an MC, I can just tag along.”
    Jiyeon and Hyeri have been co-MCs on The Show since June 4th and the fourth season of the show begins on October 28th. They will be joined by a new male MC host yet to be announced.
    Source: http://themute.kr/interview/articles/241
    Translations by: Transbot @ Tumblr - http://t-arazone.tumblr.com/post/98716434953/unni-could-you-translate-what-hyeri-said-about-jiyeon
  7. Like
    pandasquares reacted to parkryulee in [14.09.18] Video - T-ara 'Sugar Free' @ Mnet M!Countdown   
    [14.09.18] Video - T-ara 'Sugar Free' @ Mnet M!Countdown




    Credits: Mnet; 약지 @ Youtube

  8. Like
    pandasquares reacted to aleya in [14.09.16] Video - T-ara ' I Don't Want You + Sugar Free ' @ SBS The Show   
    [14.09.16] Video - T-ara ' I Don't Want You + Sugar Free ' @ SBS The Show



    MC cut








    cr :  약지 / KpopLive125 / 화요일방송@youtube

  9. Like
    pandasquares reacted to ily_shannon in [14.09.11] Video - T-ara 'I Don't Want You' + 'Sugar Free' @ M! Countdown   
    [14.09.11] Video - T-ara 'I Don't Want You' + 'Sugar Free' @ M! Countdown



    Credit:  shu35150510 + Mnet @ Youtube

  10. Like
    pandasquares reacted to renny69 in [14.09.11] Video - T-ara Number 9 &' Sugar Free ' @ 2014 17th Incheon Asian Games   
    [14.09.11] Video - T-ara @ KBS 2014 17th Incheon Asian Games 



    Cre: JiyeonVietnam

  11. Like
    pandasquares reacted to parkryulee in [14.07.03] Video HD - Hyomin - Fake It + Nice Body @ Mnet M!Countdown   
    [14.07.03] Video HD - Hyomin - Fake It + Nice Body @ Mnet M!Countdown

    credit: Mnet @ Youtube

  12. Like
    pandasquares reacted to ily_shannon in [14.07.01] Video - Jiyeon on MBC Drama "Triangle" Episode 18   
    [14.07.01] Video - Jiyeon on MBC Drama "Triangle" Episode 18


    Credit: MBCDrama youtube

  13. Like
    pandasquares reacted to parkryulee in [14.07.01] Video HD - SBS MTV The Show MC Cuts + Star Pick + Hyomin Teaser + Ending   
    [14.07.01] Video HD - SBS MTV The Show MC Cuts + Star Pick + Hyomin Teaser + Ending


    credit: 살아있는콜라겐 @ Youtube


    MCs-only cuts




    credit: shu35150510 @ Youtube

  14. Like
    pandasquares reacted to ily_shannon in [14.06.30] Video - Jiyeon on MBC Drama "Triangle" Episode 17   
    [14.06.30] Video - Jiyeon on MBC Drama "Triangle" Episode 17


    Credit: MBCDrama @ Youtube

  15. Like
    pandasquares reacted to aleya in [14.06.30] Video - Hyomin " Nice Body Dance Practice "   
    [14.06.30] Video - Hyomin " Nice Body Dance Practice "

    cr : coremidas @ youtube

  16. Like
    pandasquares reacted to Kamisa in [14.06.30] Video - Hyomin '담(談,膽) Overcome' Live   
    [14.06.30] Video - Hyomin '담(談,膽) Overcome' Live


    Credit: xyokz c @ youtube

  17. Like
    pandasquares reacted to ily_shannon in [14.06.30] Video - Hyomin Nice Body M/V Making   
    [14.06.30] Video - Hyomin Nice Body M/V Making


    Credit: chesskidgaf @ Youtube

  18. Like
    pandasquares reacted to aleya in [14.06.30] Video HD - Hyomin " Nice Body MV "   
    [14.06.30] Video HD - Hyomin " Nice Body MV "

    dance ver

    cr : coremidas @ youtube
  19. Like
    pandasquares reacted to nathaniel in [14.06.26] Info - Jiyeon   
    [14.06.26] Info - Jiyeon’s appearance brings “Triangle” the highest ratings yet

    As you already know from a previous post about Jiyeon’s cameo in the MBC drama Triangle (트라이앵글), Jiyeon featured in two episodes (15 & 16).
    Above is an excerpt from the most recent episode, episode 16. The video might break many Jiyeon stans’ hearts but I personally liked her acting in this particular scene.
    In addition, according to TnMS, Jiyeon’s appearance in episode 15 and episode 16 increased the ratings and episode 16 saw the highest ratings yet for the series. On the 15th episode, the ratings increased from 7.7 to 8.0, and for episode 16, ratings reached 9.2 nationwide! Previously, the highest recorded rating was 9.0 on episode one.
    The translation for the scene is below. Thanks to Timetoloveee on Twitter for the translations!

    Judging from the conversation between Jiyeon and ZE:A’s Siwan’s character, it seems like the producers might have planned more than two episodes for Jiyeon. Well, we’ll know next week – stay tuned!
    Credit: timetoloveee @ Twitter for scene translations + vancew90 @ Tiaradiadem
  20. Like
    pandasquares reacted to ily_shannon in [14.06.25] Video - T-ARA Single Complete BEST "Queen of Pops" Hit Singles Trailer   
    [14.06.25] Video - T-ARA Single Complete BEST "Queen of Pops" Hit Singles Trailer


    Credit: Universal Music Japan @ Youtube

  21. Like
    pandasquares reacted to nathaniel in [14.06.20] Shin Dongyeob declares Eunjung should be a full-time cast member on 'Witch Hunt'.. Why?   
    [14.06.20] Shin Dongyeob declares Eunjung should be a full-time cast member on “Witch Hunt”.. Why?

    Shin Dongyeob offered Eunjung a role as a full-time cast member on R-rated talk show “Witch Hunt”!
    Eunjung, as well as F-ve Dolls Seunghee, recently participated as girl group member guests on the R-rated and 19+ jTBC talk show “Witch Hunt”.
    As soon as the “Witch Hunt” recording began, Eunjung was responding positively and thoughtfully and was able to lead the conversations on the episode.
    The MCs were surprised at how talented and well-spoken Eunjung was, especially since Eunjung is a girl group member and it was her first time on a R-rated talk show. The MC Shin Dongyeob eventually said to her, “I’m in favor of Eunjung becoming a fixed member of the show!”
    In addition to that, Eunjung and Seunghee answered questions about dating and relationships. Eunjung revealed that she has no time to date because of her busy schedule, but even when she had tried dating, the dates couldn’t last more than one minute.
    In response, the MCs wondered, “What did you guys accomplish in just one minute?”
    The answer will be revealed on the June 20th episode of jTBC’s “Witch Hunt” which airs at 11:00 PM.
    Source: TV Report
    Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
  22. Like
    pandasquares reacted to ily_shannon in [14.06.16] Video - Jiyeon Support Video Message for 2014 Brazil World Cup   
    [14.06.16] Video - Jiyeon Support Video Message for 2014 Brazil World Cup


    Credit: Brazil World Cup KBS

  23. Like
    pandasquares reacted to Elly in [14.06.14] Jiyeon,   
    [14.06.14] Jiyeon, “My satisfaction towards my solo promotions is 50 out of 100″.

    Jiyeon sat with TVDaily on the 13th to express her feelings towards her first solo promotions for ’1MIN1SEC’ coming to an end.

    “Even though my solo promotions are already coming to an end next week, I was [really happy] to receive a lot of support and interest [from the public]. I’m happy because I’m able to finish my promotions in a good light,” Jiyeon said as she spoke with TVDaily before a music program broadcast.

    “Because this is my first time [doing solo promotions], I’m going to give myself 50 points out of 100,” Jiyeon said after she was asked to rank her solo promotions. Additionally, she says, “In the event that I’m given another chance to do solo activities, I would like to be able to fill the remaining 50 points, [to deliver a perfect performance].”

    “At first, it’s hard not to worry about [going solo]. As someone who normally performs in a group, doing activities alone like this can sometimes make you lonely,” Jiyeon says as she recalls her promotions when they first started, “But then, being inside the waiting rooms and being able to promote solo along with my other unnis (Jeon Hyosung, etc.) helped me get to know them better and become closer with them. Hanging out in the waiting rooms with them was a lot of fun.”

    As Jiyeon’s solo promotions comes to an end, she tells us that T-ara is working on their comeback. “We’re currently learning Chinese during our downtime,” she says, “Since we are preparing to promote [there as well], we want to equip ourselves with the basics so we can learn more about China. We’re also learning how to ride skateboards (?) for exercise.”


    Written by: Kang Hyojin @ TVDaily
    Translated by: Elly @ Diadem
  24. Like
    pandasquares reacted to ily_shannon in [IG] G.na Instagram Update Featuring Jiyeon and Others (06/13)   
    [iG] G.na Instagram Update Featuring Jiyeon and Others (06/13)


    Credit: missginachoi87 + ily_ahreum + tiaradiadem

  25. Like
    pandasquares reacted to HeraldC in [14.06.13] Video HD - Jiyeon's Special Stage Collaboration @ Music Bank   
    [14.06.13] Video HD - Jiyeon's Special Stage Collaboration @ Music Bank


    * * * * * * * * *

    CREDIT: Conpia @youtube

    -official link coming soon-
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