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Status Updates posted by farakinah

  1. @wahida_anuar @sheikh_anon Suddenly 20

  2. @brgsjks birds of feather flock together

  3. @nanopls_ @syafffiqahhh Parut acne/lubang mmg susah nk hilang klu pkai product saje..Tp testimony local prdct skrg,… https://t.co/gDERxafyJy

  4. @brgsjks Berak je la xpayah bagitaw org cibai

  5. @brgsjks Xde function syiall nk mkn kasut..kau jgn tweet bnde2 bangang bole?

  6. @ameerulafiq_ @brgsjks @hafizhamidun @wanikayrie Anepp paling hensem ?

  7. @ssufiera Tudung labuh dah bagus dah tp mulut dgn attitude fail!!

  8. @Fan22113 @Sw_SJH @allkpop what do you expect?he did marijuna that obviously illegal in korea.normal citizen myb ge… https://t.co/2iO13qSllW

  9. @sanasnake @allkpop Dont worry, there are lot people in this world doesn't even know wtxxxx is tt,cheer up compare to starving lol

  10. @ktm_berhad Hi.last train dr kl sentral ke senawang pukul brape ya?

  11. @allkpop Thank god.it's stupid show and fake af

  12. @luqshuhaimi @UiTMPPTweeps klu bab2 mcm nie,xkesah pun.punye la beratus2 bilik dkt setiap cwngn uitm tu,xkn satu pn xbleh buat blik rehat?

  13. @ktmkomuter yg fee rm35/year time buat card tu, burn camtu je ek?

  14. jibby punye stail dye akan bagi dan bagi then dye kikis balik sikit-sikit sampai kering .. betul x @NajibRazak ??? dont lie dont lie ~

  15. @milkapricot @allkpop what are you talking about? she get her eyes done..there an article about that

  16. paling xsabar nk berambus dr sini sbb dh xnak tgk muka TP yg super annoying treat kiteorg mcm budak bodoh..ingt aq intern aq low class la??

  17. @tv3malaysia 12 clever girl but none of them can answer question about prime number..goshhh math sekolah rendah kot

  18. RT @ParkWanaPJY: TOP 15 Best KPOP Groups In Making Crazy KPOP Dance Choreography:

    1. T-ARA

    2. 2NE1

    3. Teen Top

    4. Big Bang

    5. Beast

  19. Today stats: 6 new followers and one new unfollower via http://t.co/BYfj5vCaqa

  20. RT @T_araQueens: [Video Review] #TaraN4 Parties It Up in the Countryside for #CountrysideDiaries


  21. RT @TheFunnySayings: Pretending to be writing something in class so the teacher won't call on you.

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