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Everything posted by K.C

  1. No problem! :D Currently i am trying to adjust to high school life. Haha. Gotta get abit busy in future.. Haha.

  2. Wow, that's great! Hope that your uni accepts you in.

  3. Haha. You gotta face reality! All the best to you! :D

  4. Haha, i am 93er. Still a high schooler by the way. :D

  5. Yeap! Even scary to think of it now. Haha.

  6. Hahaha, same applies to me as well! I will start to stutter in the midst of the interview. I think i cant even introduce myself well. Haha. :D

  7. I meant if you are going for that course's interview? Haha. :D

  8. Oh, at least a 70. So you are gonna appeal for it? Haha, anyways, wish you good luck. Heh. :D

  9. Oh, thats good! Haha, dont worry abt the one mark since it's already over. :D So are you studying in uni now?

  10. lol, so you had your exams. Thats good...for you. :D

  11. Thanks for the view. Nice to meet you. :D

  12. Hmm. School's starting. How about you in Canada? Haha.

  13. Thanks for the view Nice to meet you. :D

  14. Oh wow, jiyeon looks nice in hanbok! Her peace sign is cute too! Hahahaha. Loves Jiyeon~
  15. Those shoes are beautiful! She looks so cute in those pics! Hope she had some fun times in God Of Study drama filming set. Loves Jiyeon~
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