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Everything posted by poseidon206

  1. My Queens! I saw the update on Jung's instagram account and rushed over to this forum. I feel touched and spoiled. These girls are really idols for their fans. I'm so happy!
  2. #Kobe #Fugetsudo #Palet #Oui #おいしい #うまい that's… https://t.co/a4wTn87sqY

  3. When you see it. #IllBeExportingTheBuildingNow… https://t.co/sqgyPPUqDG

  4. Happy Star Wars day people. #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #MayTheForceBeWithYou https://t.co/BhLi8T4gLE

  5. This bottle of tea can be sold in Zambia. https://t.co/KkDykeFOg2

  6. I have obtained my #GetOutOfJailFreeCard for the next size months... Phew~ https://t.co/n8ZnET3acr

  7. #Hildesheim remains beautiful, radiating its radiance with or without the source of light.… https://t.co/Y3GZqT1JEv

  8. My gallant stallion for the next ten days. #Ford #C-Max 6-gear #StickShift #AutobahnIsLife… https://t.co/2aHi8mpMlf

  9. 我姐找到的,原來這東西還有專賣店。 #春藥行 #要多點這種店來解決少子化 #經過時還沒開門沒辦法一窺全貌 #誰要去隔壁開保險套行 @ Nantun District https://t.co/De4vDXtADg

  10. #黃家 #蒸餃 #94爽 @ 黃家園蒸餃館 https://t.co/BJYY6qCfyT

  11. I believe the term you're looking for is "Home Affairs office". #URWelcome… https://t.co/6TjKRULCEU

  12. Pretty decent food #Butter2 #Taichung #Taiwan #Delish #yum #BlackCheeseburger… https://t.co/sI8GKrOkq2

  13. I might be biased but this is the best cheesecake in Taiwan. #NoCamaNoLife #Taiwan #CamaCafe… https://t.co/znTSaX1Fn7

  14. My Christmas is complete #StarWars #CompleteSaga https://t.co/C9lltzvepB

  15. Gotta appreciate the Japanese illustrators #Japan #Hokkaido #Chitose @ 新千歳空港ターミナルビル https://t.co/iM54PWAZa4

  16. 偽新竹人帶母兄來偽故鄉吹風. On our way to the airport. #Hsinchu #NoCamaNoLife @ Cama caf'e - 新竹西大店 https://t.co/2oaK4Y1A3W

  17. #Lugang #鹿港 #半線港 #半線海岸線 #龍山寺 #LongshanTemple #TempleOfMountDragon #WhatMountain #Changhua… https://t.co/Lr6WFpxgvZ

  18. #Awesome food in #awesome atmosphere. Lovely meal. #Delish #SmokeyJoes #Taichung @ Smokey Joe's… https://t.co/oCxdOzQdjl

  19. #LastCorner before the #HomeStretch #Frankfurt #FrankfurtFlughafen #Deutschland2017… https://t.co/9Spbj61OkE

  20. You do not know pretty until you have seen Hildesheim pretty. #Deutschland2017… https://t.co/yYI04RpYPt

  21. Goodnight #Taipei . Can't remember the last time I was out this late... https://t.co/t7lIejDH3j

  22. I made these six doodles. A neural network guessed five of them correctly. #aiexperiments #quickdraw https://t.co/qhCKt2OVDi

  23. #MidAutumFestival #GrilledMorsels #Barbeque #BBQ #Braai @ Uncles Taiwan 엉클스 대만 Att4fun 馬車店 https://t.co/juNjYshYxY

  24. #Dracarys #Dragons up above @ 財團法人九華山地藏庵 https://t.co/rCgQnOoc78

  25. It's not everyday you get to have Chiang Kai-shek's point of view. @ 張榮發國際會議廳 https://t.co/MjGHLhGulR

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