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Status Updates posted by phucth91

  1. RT @a486790: 141111 MTV中文頻道 - MTV天籟村 T-ara Cut.ts http://t.co/oKTbpgsfuv http://t.co/fyQMbE2Kvl

  2. RT @arcadeyblog: Netizens Reminisce About T-ara’s Pre-Scandal Fame - Here's a Look Back At Their Glory Days! http://t.co/tjUbSVhqpD http://…

  3. RT @aryoungnguyen: "6 nàng công chúa" :v cho xin, 5 nàng bạo chúa và một nàng nữ chúa thôi =)))))))

  4. RT @b153love: 140208 LOSTGARDEN Sign event! (T-ARA BoRam) http://t.co/SBQ6rSKUgM

  5. RT @b153love: 금년도 남기는 곳 남았습니다 T-ARA 가족 여러분 수고하셨습니다. 또한 내년에도 잘 부탁합니다. @BoRam_0322 http://t.co/nsBp1A6JkJ

  6. RT @b89530: “@Hyomdot: ㅉㅏ증ㄴㅏ http://t.co/NUbG1d7s56” 왜 짜중이가 났나몰라...

  7. RT @b89530: #활동막바지 #곧티아라앨범야호❗️#NICEBODY #kimheejune #희준오빠선물 http://t.co/TiX19FcLAO

  8. RT @b89530: 이정도는되야 미니앨범이징~ 오늘 인천에서 첫 팬사인회^^ 조금 이따 봐요 http://t.co/9oicr9gtYV

  9. RT @b89530: 주간아이돌 3주년 축하해요 !!! http://t.co/GsfR7bVmrJ

  10. RT @basedgodqri: Before didn't it say internal problems? Now they changed it to local agency's request as the reason. Um http://t.co/ZdCQ6c…

  11. RT @basedgodqri: They told us they were going on that MT And we didn't even know http://t.co/ZIfhneP62u

  12. RT @basedgodqri: What about the people who already paid

  13. RT @basedgodqri: When people criticize something I do I just do it more to piss them off.

  14. RT @beforedeparture: People quote tweeting a quote tweeted tweet that I tweeted. http://t.co/NhCvL1y4yy

  15. RT @BoraQoo: 明日もこんな感じ♡でお願いします(^^) http://t.co/eLmFFG9zuV

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