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Crazy Mike

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Everything posted by Crazy Mike

  1. RT @sumiredooon: 関ジャニの仕分け∞ありがとうございました。



    サイサイのギターボーカルとして頑張ります☺︎♡ http:…

  2. A Dempagumi.Inc album came out today, where is Richard?

  3. I wonder if RIchard knows that I know his secret?

  4. I don't know if I should buy the new One Ok Rock album . . . thoughts?

  5. Suddenly I have the urge to buy Adidas shoes . . . https://t.co/zfeNNukqLu

  6. RT @kojiharunyan: お友達がやってる展示会にみぃちゃんと行ってきたよ

  7. Junior Juniper just died, but in The Winter Soldier they said Bucky was the only Howling Commando to give his life in service? #AgentCarter

  8. RT @Oshima__Yuko: 飲み込むの大変でしたが、今年も良い年になる予感。。。✨ http://t.co/W5Z9iokFNc

  9. RT @Oshima__Yuko: 天気良くておさんぽしました☀️ http://t.co/RHowEQ3tMu

  10. My mom is watching Miss Universe . . . this is beyond stupid.

  11. RT @aMITOKITO: ぁりがとぉー(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

    “@chaki_pu: 【勝手な妄想】

    時東ぁみちゃんに似てると言われる。 http://t.co/5PxcB8GU81”

  12. That awkward moment when you're following several 48G photo tweeters, but have no idea who any of the members in the photos they tweet are.

  13. Why can't I reply to anything on Stage48?

  14. The results so far of ten years of accumulation . . . http://t.co/VWTr42xs74

  15. RT @aina0703: 駆逐しに行ったら駆逐されました。

    #上野の森美術館 #進撃の巨人 http://t.co/hgfDowhod3

  16. RT @aina0703: ドッグカフェ探して三千里。

    やっとたどり着いた。。 http://t.co/K13TvioYiF

  17. Six episodes in, and I still don't fully understand the plot of this . . . http://t.co/u4K0hx07YS

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