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Crazy Mike

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Everything posted by Crazy Mike

  1. RT @kurosakayukako: ゆっこちゃんと(๑´ڡ`๑)♡

    お腹いっぱい幸せいっぱい♡ http://t.co/a07KUPHt2Q

  2. RT @aina0703: 撮影前に表参道NORAでトリートメントとアレンジしてもらったよー\(^o^)/


    (´-`).。oO(そして幸せなことにビアガーデンでmerの撮影中です。素晴らしい♡ http://…

  3. RT @RISA_memesama: うわあい!うわあい!ねむきゅんが、フロスパン買ってくれた!ありがとう!ねむきゅん

  4. RT @Oshima__Yuko: 2人して優勝予想的中‼︎


    #私たち #こじゆう #仲良し2人 #こじゆう http://t.co/dsnRZwpACR


  6. RT @InstaHyom: [HYOMSTAGRAM] hyominnn: 그린그린~ 오늘은 더쇼. 내일은 오사카팬미팅!! 왔다갔다~~ http://t.co/RvFeGVh82D http://t.co/ZAHFytg7zS

  7. RT @Oshima__Yuko: Hair make 奈良氏と三つ編みオソロ♥︎

    #hairstyle #ikemen http://t.co/jzEi3esQHH

  8. RT @Jisook718: 치킨cf 찍을 준비는 된것같은데 음.. 연락은 앙오네 http://t.co/fmnsW72XIf

  9. Old Username (Name you login with): iamcrazymike New User Name: iamcrazymike Link to any one of your posts: http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/topic/23972-minism-hyomins-fan-list/page-2#entry416396 Donor: No
  10. So I'm trying to recover all the tabs I lost night and why can't I log into Diadem O___o ?

  11. I don't think I can capture my reaction to this in words . . .
  12. Like they say in the teaser, I'm addict, I'm addict, I'm addict, I'm addict, I'm addict, I'm addict . . .
  13. Are these for something? Because they all have the pink devil horns on so far.
  14. So anyone have an idea why she's posting N4 pictures now? Or is this just more randomness from her?
  15. If you were to tell me this was a Davichi and Skull song . . . I would probably believe you because I only seem to remember distinctly hearing Lee Haeri and Skull in this song :/ . I mean it's a decent song but listening to it it never registers to me as a T-ara song. Also the video does nothing for me, it's neither good or bad it's just whatever.
  16. Are those glasses she has on top of her head in the 2nd pic O___O ?
  17. I just wish she didn't wear sunglasses that cover her lovely lovely face so much :/ .
  18. I just made the 3rd group shot down my desktop wallpaper, facebook cover photo, PS3 wallpaper, and Hyomin's solo pic is now my avatar on twitter and here and also is the lock screen wallpaper on my phone . . . yeah I might have gone a little overboard O___o . . .
  19. How come Hyomin has no message of her own in this?
  20. I never thought I'd have this much feels for the unnies/eonnies .
  21. Finally an outdoor stage ! You guys don't know how long I've been hoping for T-ara to do an outdoor stage at Music Core . . .
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