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Proff _L

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Status Updates posted by Proff _L

  1. RT @kpoportho: she s like Hyomin's overflowing with sexiness lol https://t.co/KPuYDftHSU

  2. RT @heros3377: Hyomin and fashion editor Kim Minjung live in the neighborhood. she said “You were my sister in previous life” https://t.co…

  3. RT @FatyaEdDeen: "2016" ni harap kita semua :

    -Solat penuh tak tinggal

    -Mulut tak mengata

    -Rajin belajar

    -Banggakan mak ayah

    -Cemerlang da…

  4. But when will they release that album?

  5. RT @JomDakwahhh: "Semasa sujud jangan lupa minta 3 perkara:


    -Mati dalam husnul khatimah.

    -Sempat bertaubat sebelu…

  6. RT @_transbot: "If (you) keep showing much love (to) my unnies then (I'll) be back sooner than later" https://t.co/dNclmQV6Oo

  7. RT @kpoportho: I feel like THIS CHINESE QUEENS IS TOOOOOOOOOO CRAZY ABOUT QRI OMGGGGG !! https://t.co/9bW4x51zoW

  8. RT @negredo89: Former T-ARA member,Areum comment on Eunjung insta post say "Hwaiting" https://t.co/2vRMIUa4Sb

  9. RT @TheWorldStories: I want to see the Tulip Fields of the Netherlands someday

  10. RT @FatyaEdDeen: Cara mudah menjaga maruah ;

    1. Jgn merindu pd yg tak sudi

    2. Jgn terdesak mendapatkan cinta

    3. Jgn mudah melafazkan cinta…

  11. RT @shannxxl: 151210 T-ara 티아라 梦三国手游 Greeting Video https://t.co/IPvow4YJkS via @YouTube

  12. RT @syikeeen_: Ni lah orang kata, bercakap main sedap mulut kau je

  13. RT @Rayoumah_Queens: For the past 18 months you have given me joy every Tuesday

  14. one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by https://t.co/s8Q6FhaFBg

  15. RT @PendakwahCute: Banyak sangat terjebak dengan perkara lagha. Habis hilang hafalan.

    Ya Tuhan

  16. RT @vancew90: Lu Xin's (UNIQUE-JIYEON's admin) interaction with Jiyeon at Nanjing Airport 151207 https://t.co/grRDdr3zWp https://t.co/VbSX5…

  17. RT @Geng_bebel: Tahukah anda hutang kerajaan kini berjumlah RM623.3 bilion


    Harga kek birthday Rosmah berharga RM79k

    Al-Fatihah Mala…

  18. RT @najamboo: Kad kahwin sekarang. Bahagian A dengan B boleh lah jawab Bahagian C kena buat esei pulak. http://t.co/dAXlpBXMiy

  19. They've grown up so well

  20. RT @_TawarHati_: "Nak tau kenapa kau asyik stress bila study? Sebab kau study untuk exam.

    Cuba tetapkan niat, study kerana Allah.


  21. RT @AdDien90: Dalam surah An-Naml ayat 36 tanda ganjil itu mewakili (ي).

    Bacaan salah: aataanillahu

    Bacaan betul: aataaniyallahu http://t.…

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