Branded bags aren't really new news to me. Most girls love branded bags so I don't think she was any different. lol I still want to watch it though and see haha
Aww I actually saw this and they look like fraternal twins. *lol* They look cute together. I just wish I could understand what they were saying in the show though. keke
Hahaha I would be embarrassed too! LOL
Hyomin, every time I see her now, I feel bad for her. She thinks that she'll get edited every time thanks to Invincible Youth so I just feel bad for the girl. lol
Oh gosh..yeah embarrassing for the mother..she said that on tv! *lol* That's nothing though. I used to get hit on my back by my dad when I was younger. Whenever I get bad grades or if I did something wrong, he would hit me with a stick. It's harsh love as they call it. keke
Whoo hoo! I'm happy for the girls But so far, they're only been up against KARA and SNSD in the music shows. Once 2NE1 is back, it'll be a battle of girl groups. *lol*
Finally! Another teaming up with Supernova. I love when they were performing together. They totally blend in like one big group. Anyways, I saw the CF and behind the scenes. it was really adorable
That is sad. When I saw the episode, even though I don't speak korean, just the body language from the girls, I would be pissed off. I thought T-ara won but they gave the trophy to Kara. I was mad but its okay. Mistakes happen. Just make sure it won't happen the 2nd time
Awww that's adorable! I do notice their bond though after watching Tara World. They look really close and its cute watching them all. They're really girly and typical teenage girls *lol*
Reading this article actually made me cry. I kinda feel the same but I mean I'm not a mother *lol* I gave up some things when my baby bro was born. Don't worry, things always happen for a reason and good things will come back to you in the long run. Eunjung, you made your mother proud! You made us proud
My favorite joint group
Whenever they take group pictures like that, they look so good together it makes you want to just pinch them. *lol*
Thanks for sharing the pics..I'ma look for some more