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Everything posted by ikki

  1. japanese cuisine today, watashi wa nihon desu! ^_^

  2. yeah damn! its true RT @damnitstrue: Its cute when couples act like best friends. Same as when best friends act like couples. #DamnItsTrue

  3. so unlucky today, people aren't that free

  4. #nowplaying - Lalala (Remix Ver.) - GP Basic

  5. i just dont know why i like to see her

  6. #nowplaying - dangdut palapa-rela -

  7. #nowplaying - 2_-_Eduard_Maya_feat_Alicia_-_ -

  8. http://fro.gy/15tju "I still look at your profile to see if someone else has stolen your heart yet. #DamnItsTrue"

  9. Amusing! RT @fayyelj_: AWESOMEE! :D RT @SMTownFamily: Describe SM Town Concerts in one word ! ^^~

  10. wahh~ sakai eeh hahaha lmao

  11. it's an awkward in here

  12. mommy~please buy me a Playstation Vita! ^^

  13. i am being chirpy for someone

  14. PARK JIYEON can cook my favourite food!

  15. and im addicted to it! ^^ RT @FayyElj_ : it's all about k-pop :B

  16. happy birthday PARK JIYEON

  17. #nowplaying - Asking Alexandria - Alerion

  18. before yoou go

  19. true! RT @funnyfacts_ :That awkward moment when you’re late for class, and when you walk in, everyone stares at you like you killed someone.

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