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Status Updates posted by I'HEART'Jiyeon!

  1. I dun WAN go hhl amaths class-.-

  2. I have an Entire new respect for Lady Gaga.

  3. I have bad time management...

  4. I hope my pimple burst soon

  5. I Hope So~ RT @whatfangirlsdo If only KPOP is a subject in school, i will definitely score A for it! #whatfangirlsdo

  6. I love the songggg~ the MV~ the expressions~ everything!! #sixthsense

  7. i once was crazy abt Phineas & Ferb~

  8. i really like wonder girls's G.N.O :o

  9. I Stand Out By Laughing RT @XSTROLOGY #Taurus were born to stand out.

  10. I still waiting For your Comeback!!! U-GO-GIRL!!! Hey Mr. Big!!! Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!! @frog799

  11. I suspect the Mrt driver forgot to turn on the air-con...

  12. I tweet, on average, 12.5 times per day. Do you tweet more or less often than me? http://t.co/Iq63qFGB

  13. I WAN money:D wanna go mama!!! :D

  14. i wan to eat ice cream now. :(

  15. i wonder who is kan miyeon gonna kidnap for her new mv :P

  16. It's DAMN funny wad!!! Wad's so weird Abt it:D @Wanxinnn

  17. Jongkyung broke up liao so sad :(

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