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Status Updates posted by exstaciitony

  1. haha well its my fault then! :o

    I'll just hang out at the sbox!

  2. like the overflow of pictures on one page from a topic/comment lags the loading of the rest of the page, but its nothing major i guess... maybe my internet connection is part of the problem. But yeah, that was the only limitation.

  3. yea, but it is sort of limited though...

    oh wells i guess its better than nothing!

    sorry for annoying you with all my questions and all.. -.-

  4. true... hey elly, just a suggestion,

    is there a way to like create a mobile version for diadem? Because I would like to be on diadem on my iphone whenever i dont have access to the computer, but will doing that be hard?

  5. wait.... i found them already :L

    it was sorta hard to find the folders, but its all good now! :)

    woot :D thanks elly!

  6. haha the photos, but i meant like individuals not group or event photos :L

    oh and is it okay if you can tweet me when there is something important on or meetings etc. :) Thanks!

  7. i do hope so!

    the gallery has almost every picture i wanted that i could not find on other websites.

    btw elly, you have twitter right? If you do can you tweet me and ill follow you! :) Just in case i can't get to you by message.

  8. hey elly, do you know when the gallery will be updated?

  9. haha well even if i wanted to,

    i cant cos like beast just released their album and like im in love with that song.

    as well as 2pm's take off! :D

    but yea im sorta busy to go on kh anyways =

  10. im more active on other forums now.

    since kh isnt really welcoming to me anymore =

  11. hi-5! we are soo awesome. LOLOL!

  12. :o really? LOLOLOL! man i did not realise that! :L
  13. oh and congratz as well!

  14. coreclique?

    whats that :L

  15. LOL its ok no worries :)

  16. hahaha yea im from australia!

    what about you?

  17. i dont understand what you are asking! :(

  18. yep im jiyeon biased! :D

    yay another jiyeon bias :)

    nice to meet you :L

  19. thats what you said O.O


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