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[SPAZZ] suggestion for the next t-ara comeback?


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For the next mv I would like to see them in mask with "ancient regime" era or victorian era outfits.

And i wish to see them to promote a good song that show their real talents and not just a catchy one that it will work on the k pop market. I'm sorry but i didn't like yayaya at all, it was not bad but just cause they're t-ara probably if it was an other group i wouldn't even bother to listen it or i would just dislike it .

And an energetic choreograph at least an elaborate one, because nowadays the competition is pretty high and a lot of people who don't like t-ara think they can't dance, and they just do too easy movement. I don't like t-ara being hated, disliked and (what most) considered as a talentless group with just beauty-pretty face/image. I hope you consider this spazz a way to share constructive critique which allow t-ara to improve, get better, and reach the number one spot.

And it will nice if their agency would have a youtube channel where t-ara's videos will be available for everyone with no copyright infringement.

Do you have any idea?? just express them.. <3

P.S. i hope nobody feels offended by this comment, if i did i feel sorry.. probably as English is not my mother tongue, it can be some misunderstanding because of the language barrier. Some words may be a little bit harsh, if it's so it is feel free to criticize the topic, i will put the sentence in a better way.

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