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[SPAZZ] T-ara newbie


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I'm a new fan of T-ara like you too! I have not heard all of their songs yet, but I'm getting there.

List of my favourite songs with reason why I like it :lol::

1 - No 1 goes to I'm Really Hurt. I like everything about this song, LOVE the chorus dance. I think this is the only song of T-ara that does not include rap in it except Bo Peep Bo Peep, so it's a bonus since I hated rap before (but as T-ara is sorta a rap group, I'm trying to accept it, but still I like NO RAP better)

2 - Why Are You Being Like This. This song literally stuck in my head, I kept singing it at school :P If it has not been for the rap (which when I first heard it, I thought it was from another song since IMO the rap music doesnt go with the song) , this song would've been my no 1 favourite song. I'm used to the rap part now, but I still think it's better without the rap.

3 - Bo Peep Bo Peep. Like everyone else, I love the cat dance. What I like most about this song is when they perform it live. There's no rap :) I think they rarely lipsync it or even never lipsync this song. And I LOVE it whenever Hyomin did random dance during her solo dance lol :lol: And the best : When Jiyeon sings her lines, her voice sounds so CUTE! Kyaa~ Also, her expressions and dances during the live performance are too cute! In fact, everything about her is cute when they're performing Bo Peep Bo Peep live <3

<3 Jiyeon <3

The above are my top 3. My other favourite songs are :

Roly Poly - The music is so catchy. Also LOVE the dance. But I hate the hairstyles and outfits especially Jiyeon's :P

Good Person - Well, personally I'm a fan of ballad...and I get to hear Jiyeon's voice more clearly :lol:

Like The Beginning - Really, this song is so good, but the rap ruined everything :angry: Unlike WAYBLT which in this song, the rap music do sound related to the song music a lil bit, the rap music in Like The Beginning literally feels like coming from other song, the rap music is completely different from the song music. Otherwise, it will be a reallllllyyyyy good song.

Lies - I like this song, but somehow I'm annoyed by the high pitch background voice, you know, the voice at the beginning of the song in the mp3, though it didnt heard in the life perf. But the voice is still there at some part of the song. I dont know why, but I just get annoyed hearing that voice :P

Time To Love - I LOVE the chorus. The chorus really stucked in my head for a while B). I like everything about this song apart from the rap (which I have to say, cover half of the song :P)

Also I just heard I'm Okay today and I kinda like it. I think I will fall in love with the song after listening for a few times B)

If you have nothing against rap, then I'm positive you will like all parts of the songs not just some parts like me in some songs :lol: You will definitely love all T-ara songs

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