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[13.02.08] Quick News - T-ara to release Japanaese "Private Book"


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[13.02.08] Quick News - T-ara to release Japanaese "Private Book"

It will have facts and a Q&A with every member as well as pictures.

Release date: February 28th, 2013

Cost: 1870 yen


Source: http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/product/detail/5343858?utm_source=mem000001ls&utm_medium=other&site=LTCKartist01

Credit: Nathaniel @ Diadem

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I wonder what the quality of the papers and photos would be. 1870 yen is approx. $18 AUD or $20 USD. The PIA live photo magazine of their Japanese tour 2012 is about the same price, but I was very disappointed with the photos and the paper quality. I buy them for my collection, so I don't want to get something not worth keeping. Please do not use glossy paper this time. Glossy prints never look good.

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