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[SPAZZ] Figuring Out


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Please excuse me if I am in the wrong section.

I'm a relatively new-ish fan of T-ARA's, and I'm currently trying to learn who's who in the group.

Unfortunately, I've never been good with faces or names.

Could anyone screen cap a good clear picture from one of their their Bo Peep MV/performances and/or Apple Is A+ MV and label the girls for me? (You don't actually have to label the picture, just put their names in order at the bottom)

I really like T-ARA and I don't think I can fully appreciate them until I know each one of them by heart!

You'd be doing me, and maybe others (Unless I'm the only slow one xP) a big favor!

Thank you!

Also, if this thread is in the wrong place or there is a thread already like this, please move the thread/redirect me to that thread, thanks!

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Please read the rules and TAG your topics.


these are currently the hairstyles they have now.


(left)Eunjung, Qri, Soyeon, Boram, Jiyeon, Hyomin(right)

this picture might be easier for you since they all have different, unique hair, although they don't have those hairstyles anymore xP


(left)Eunjung, Jiyeon, Soyeon, Boram, Hyomin Qri(right)

honestly, from experience from helping other people (& people who helped me) i remember idols' faces faster by getting to know more about them (like their personality) -- check their sections :)

but i guess i sort of understand, it was hard for me to learn their names during 'lies' since they all had pale white skin & long black/dark brown hair (except for Boram)

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I suggest going to each of their own sections to know more of them. Each of them are quite unique and i dont think anyone's like anyone in the group. The easiest to know is boram. SHES THE SMALL ONE! lol! Hyomin too, cause she's the thinnest and is everywhere! LOL Jiyeon is the one in dramas. Qri is the pretty girl that always has circle lenses(most of the time). Eunjung is our leader and is the tallest! <3 Soyeon is the one who talks to her dog. LOL she's the one that has the deep powerful voice!

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