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[19.01.09] MBK Entertainment's trademark applications for T-ara (티아라) in all four applied categories are officially Rejected


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One whole year later, T-ara and MBK Entertainment trademark dispute comes to a conclusion.

On December 28th, 2017, MBK Entertainment applied for trademark rights on T-ara (티아라) in four categories: 41 (entertainment, etc.), 09 (photography, film, etc.), 03 (cosmetics, etc.), and 25 (clothing, etc.). On June 27th of 2018, KIPRIS refused their application in accordance to Article 34 Section 1 Item 6 of the Trademark Act but the final verdict was yet to be made. On August 27th of 2018, MBK Entertainment applied for an extension of two categories: 41 and 09.

On October 22nd and November 8th of 2018, categories 03 and 25 were officially rejected respectively. On January 3rd of 2019, category 09 was officially rejected. Finally, on January 8th of 2019, category 41 was officially rejected as well.

All applications were rejected on the same grounds, in accordance to Article 34 Section 1 Item 6 of the Trademark Act, that states a trademark that consists of the name, title, portrait, signature, seal/stamp, literary name, pen name, stage name, of a prominent person cannot be registered.

The members of T-ara will be able to use their name without interference.

MBKTrademakr41Rejection-1-686x1024.jpg MBKTrademakr41Rejection-2-686x1024.jpg MBKTrademakr41Rejection-3-686x1024.jpg

Source: KIPRIS

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