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[09.08.11] T-ara to cover S.E.S and Fin.K.L


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T-ara to cover S.E.S and Fin.K.L

6-member female group T-ara will make a surprising transformation into S.E.S and Fin.K.L.

After causing topic with their debut song 'Lies', the girls will be transforming as S.E.S and Fin.K.L on MBC Music Core on 15th August and SBS Inkigayo on 16th August.

They will be performing S.E.S 'I'm your girl' and Fin.K.L 'To my boyfriend', putting in efforts not only to the vocals but also to the costumes and choreography.

They said, "S.E.S and Fin.K.L are girlgroups who received acknowledge as Korea' best girlgroups. We are very honoured to be able to sing seonbae's songs."


cr: kbites + diadem

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