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Everything posted by mojojo

  1. omg i've watched this. hara's and hyomin's part was really funny together with suengri and donghae. even changing partners! hahahah~
  2. shots in the nose? what does it do? how different is it compared to having a plastic surgery? but it sounds pain...
  3. whoa when did she start doing this? i didnt know know, but awesome. more and more singers are going to make it big! getting into more movies and dramas!~
  4. people really know how to make up things eh? i dont think she's being outcasted or anything. look at them is hellobaby~ so cute and all, maybe just cause eunjung has more dramas and everything, doesnt mean she's being outcasted~
  5. omg lets hope they release more and more photos as times go by! (: thanks for posting! eunjung is so good at acting yoon baek hee...
  6. is jiyeon in a bad mood or something? she looks so tired/unhappy/angry, idk? lol normally she smiles and everything, this performance, just looks so =.= to her.
  7. ^^ helllo kohilist o.o wa i still dk your name lol.


  9. thanks for sharing~ when will jiyeon's pic be released? lol
  10. omg the first picuree, jiyeon looks so cutee (Y)
  11. hello there. when is this episode of sang sang plus airing?
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