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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2013 in all areas

  1. [13.05.21] Jeon Youngrok and his daughters, T-ara's Boram and D-Unit Wooram to star in refreshment CF together For the first time, singer Jeon Youngrok and his two daughters, T-ara's Boram and D-UNIT's Wooram will star in a CF together. Recently, Jeon Yeongrok and Boram and Wooram shot a CF together for a drink product. The filming set was harmonious and warm as the family shot together. Jeon Youngrok debuted in 1871, and for the first time since his debut, he'll star in a CF together with his daughters. Him and his daughters were focused but had fun on set. Jeon Yeongrok and his daughters sang for the CF; a sweet song with a gentle and harmonious melody and message. A CF staff member said, "Having a family of singers, including singers from years ago and some that are promoting currently in groups represents our company well. We want to appeal to the unity of old and new generations." Jeon Youngrok said, "I don't know if an opportunity like this will come again in my life, so I'm really happy for now." Wooram said, "I'm really thankful for just debuting as an entertainer, yet having this opportunity that I may not get again in my life." *** Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130521n05484 Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
    1 point
  2. Elly

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    Tiaradiadem Official General Rules Please take time to read and understand these rules as well as you can to avoid trouble with the staff. Please take heed that these are only general rules. Although some rules might not be specified here as you would expect, please take into consideration what you post and share at your discretion. Please be mature and nice to everyone and all will be good. 01. No bashing, sexist, racist, or generally hateful messages to anyone (especially to T-ara). - Be respectful to everyone. Anyone who doesn't abide to this rule will be taken care of by the admin accordingly. Do not post or send anyone rude comments and messages. - This includes inappropriate messages and remarks on signatures and avatars. - If you happen to recieve a hateful or offensive comment from someone, it is your right to report it to a staff member because that member disobeyed the rules and should be punished. - Others can have different opinions and views than yours, but don't be rude or harsh to them about it. - Bashing other groups are not allowed as well. - Do not bash T-ara, if you hate them, get out of here. 02. No pornographic or sexually profane or explicit material will be posted or discussed of in this facility. - You know what I mean. There are members in this forum who might be of minor age, please understand it. 03. No spamming. - Spamming is the act of posting a message (replies or topics) that: 1) are irrelevant to the thread or the general concept of the forum. 2) are less than 10 words. 3) are double, or more, posts (double posting will only be permitted after 48 hours or no new reply and if the post if of relevant content.) 4) are copy + pasted messages over various threads. The staff members will correct your post count and remove double posts. Staff have the right to deem what's considered spam and not spam based on their individual judgment. 04. External linking will be moderated, certain are prohibited. - Links to other sites, blogs, or pages will be moderated. Links to illegal downloads, junk sites or anything of controversial nature are extremely prohibited. - If you are unsure if a link you wish to share will be permitted, ask a Moderator first. 05. Do not quote images and flash materials. - If you are quoting a reply/post that contains embedded or image material, please remove them from the quote. There are people out here that have a difficult time using this forum because it will take forever to load. Please be considerate. 06. Double-accounts are strictly prohibited. - Do not make double-accounts. If we catch you, we will ban you immediately. 07. All topics and replies should all be in English. - Please keep all topics and replies in English, although we are fully aware that not all of us here can speak English perfectly, please do try hard. Don't worry, we won't kill you for your bad English. 08. D0 nOt TyP3 L!k3 Th!$. - Don't. It's really annoying. Use the alphabet. 09. Signature Rules: - Please keep all signature banners to a maximum width of 400px and maximum height of 150px. - There is to be a maximum of 4 lines of text in your signatures. You don't have to write a sonnet for your signature. - No more than 3 types of graphics in your signature (blinkies, icons, and banners). You are restricted to only one animated graphic in your signature. - All images collectively should not go over 400KB. 10. Avatar Rules: - Keep all avatars to a size of 100x100. 11. Please take into consideration the rules in the other forums. - All forums have separate rules and regulations. 12. Do not post photos from the following fansites. - This rule is being imposed as of January of 2013. Photos from Eunchannet, Hyomdot, Jingdot, Cheondot, Qulwang and Meldot, are not allowed in respect to their policies. Please also refrain from editing their photos and sharing them on the forums. Failure to abide in these rules will result in a warning or ban where necessary. Please follow these and we'll all be happy. If you find someone breaking the rules or are being subject to harassment, please contact a Moderator or Admin immediately. Elly Administrator/Owner Tiaradiadem Forums
    1 point
  3. Tiaradiadem Official Shoutbox Rules We want people of all ages to have a safe, fun time on Diadem. Using our shoutbox is a privilege and all Diadem staff members have the right to suspend you from using it should they feel you are breaking the rules. Listen to the moderators. If they say you're doing something prohibited in the shoutbox you must stop what you're doing. 01. Do not cuss. - Do not try and get around the filter we have in place to prevent cussing. 02. Please keep the topics in the shoutbox RESPECTFUL. - Keep it family friendly. Don't discuss drugs, sex, or illegal activities. Do not disrespect T-ara or other artists. (This includes perverted in-depth discussions about body parts.) Treat every member of shoutbox with respect. RACISM/HOMOPHOBIA IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TOLERATED. 03. Do not share or ask for download links (including torrents) - This includes audio, video, software, firmware or any other media prohibited by copyright. 04. STAY POSITIVE. - We've been through a lot together and T-ara is still fighting, so do not turn every single rumor/post by an anti-fan into the end of the world. It's good for your health too. 05. We encourage the use of English as the main language of the shoutbox - However, other languages are okay, too. Use your best judgement and be considerate of other users. We encourage you to: Help out with anyone who is having some problems. (e.g problem logging in/finding pics) Be friendly, don't ignore or talk to just one or two people. Include everyone when you are starting a conversation. If there is a new member, welcome them and encourage them to read the rules. Also direct them to T-ara content that may help them love our girls even more! (Dream Girls, Hello Baby, etc.) Remember, as a Queen's on T-ara's largest international fansite, each and every one of us are representatives of what it is to be a T-ara fan. Always be friendly, helpful and respectful! Qridoesntcare Global Moderator Tiaradiadem Forums
    1 point
  4. Okay, its an achievement, granted but KKS, is really pushing them to the point that I feel tired on behave of them. Everything isnt fame and money. There is something called "Health" that's more important. T-ara N4 have their own plans and they will be busy as Hell and same goes for QBS sub-unit as well. In addition to that Korean CB, Japanese CB and Budokan Arena and 11 performances, as much I love them to see on stage and gain fame, its a NO No this time. Neither they arent robots nor wonder women to be able to tolerate such heavy scheduled. Man, KKS is making them to promote 1 year's schedule in 3-4 months time span. At this point, I just want them to rest and go on a vacation.
    1 point
  5. First of all, SNSD has had a full-length English album in the works for a couple of years now. There's no telling when or if that album will ever be released, and even if they do release albums in the same year, it's an entirely different ball game in the states...you said so yourself. SNSD and T-ara will more or less be on the same playing field. And I don't care that two SNSD members speak English fluently, it's not going to really help them all THAT much. Secondly, making it in the American music industry is all about who you know and how much faith your contacts have in you...nobody gives a damn how big somebody was back in their home country, it won't do them any good when they're trying to promote in the states. That has absolutely no bearing whatsoever when it comes to making it stateside; YG, JYPE, or SME make chump change compared to what labels such as Island Def Jam, Interscope, Epic Records, or RCA can take home. They can't help their artists when trying to make a U.S. advancement. Very few artists make it on pure talent or charisma alone, they have somebody behind them, pulling strings and opening doors for them. As much as I loathe Chris Brown, it is absolutely undeniable that he is the biggest star to have possibly voiced his interest in a K-Pop act thus far...far more relevant than will.i.am, Snoop Dogg, Akon, or any of the other current stars who have mentioned a Korean idol act (if CCM's stories are to be believed). As far as what Chris Brown did...I admit that I loathe him with a passion, but I'm also discerning enough to know that PLENTY of U.S. artists have collaborated with him recently and been none the worse for it...Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, the list goes on. The U.S. music industry isn't really like Korea in that if you're seen with an unlikeable figure you're automatically blacklisted due to guilt by association; business is, ultimately, business. Furthermore, nobody in the U.S. is going to give two flying ***** about T-ara's bullying scandal. That ridiculous excuse for a hater orgy never would have exploded the way it did, I can guarantee you that. That's what's so bass-ackwards about Korea...they focus on a scandal full of unsubstantiated allegations, yet when it comes to something that probably would be incredibly sensationalized by U.S. media outlets, such as Nichkuhn's drunk driving accident, it almost goes by completely unnoticed...for a bullying controversy? I mean, come on. That xxxx would have been pegged exactly like it was...discord within the group. Nothing more, nothing less. Ultimately, at this point I don't think T-ara have anything to lose by focusing on activities outside of Korea. JWD's poor performance on the Korean charts show that Korea's just not ready to forgive them right now, if ever. I doubt this collaboration will interfere much with their Japanese activities, as so far nothing has even been confirmed. Instead of focusing on a plethora of possible negatives, let's just see how it plays out. Ultimately this could just be more media play on CCM's part, but it's REALLY important to take into consideration the fact that, if something does indeed happen for the group in the U.S., it's not even remotely similar to anything in Korea.
    1 point
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