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Everything posted by iwuvt-ara

  1. lol what were we talking about before ?!?!?!?!?!!?! lol im just busy with school and stuff. YOU?

  2. lol ok........hahahahhaahahhahaa

  3. i LOVE my sleep!!!!!!!! it was so nice :)

  4. NOTHING lol only for u to be u!!!!!!!

  5. oh sorry......let me delete all of my messages......that's usually the problem

  6. u scare me sometimes lol hahahah

  7. oh i havnt.......do u know a site that streams it with eng subs

  8. oh lol have u seen WGM yet?

  9. nope...... i'm not ready for that kind of commitment yet...... i need to devote all my time to school and stuff....... plus girls over here are rude, not that pretty on the inside or even on the outside, and they are too out there!!!!!!

  10. oh cool..... what about?

  11. yep lol one time i slept for 14 hours

  12. im watching TV...... im fine and you?

  13. lol yes very much hahahaha

  14. yep.......his blog is so rude and not even funny

  15. no no tengo una novia :'( lol

  16. jbchjwbchjwbwbcTHEnwjkcnwekjncjwenbjkewREALkenfiwebfiebfiuebfsCZ

  17. *bless You*...... he pisses me off

  18. hello!!!!!!!! long time no talk :(

  19. hello!!!!! long time no talk

  20. AH finally some peace and quiet and no stressful school :) how relaxing...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iwuvt-ara
    3. ultimateasianbomb


      YES WE SHOULD! lets have an online party jkjk hehehe

    4. ultimateasianbomb


      i have a party in my tummy

  21. im bored and my computer is acting weird

    1. kangeunri


      me too.. and my network connection works slowly..

    2. kangeunri


      me too.. and my network connection works slowly..

    3. dis_crazy_girl


      My Compueter is Dumb ^__^

  22. he is so rude and he always breaks rules on the sbox..... he even makes fun of some of the t-ara members on his blog......

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