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Everything posted by Alyssarawr

  1. Yay! Japanese album were shipped! Ugh, I woke up at 6 to do hw. LOL.

  2. Internet Explorer 9...lol

  3. 5/7 chinese projects end with a post that I replied with. lol.

  4. Japanese IGCBOY @ 1:05 RT @tarawota: [Clip] 110925 T-ARA 恋するコリア http://t.co/pdlhGMf4 via . onlyHyomin

  5. "Myungsoo wants to have 50(children) so he can make an idol group like AKB48"

  6. LOL I went around the school and saw my cousin three times.

  7. I was eating a banana and then it fell... :(

  8. How am I supposed to edit "Child vaccination must Cheek" ? :|

  9. Dammit. I already have a B- in precal... D:<

  10. 800 - 186 = many more lines of editing. TT_TT

  11. This is the first time I have ever worn a tshirt to school. Lmfao

  12. I cannot handle 87 degree weather.

  13. Seriously...the east coast is so lucky. TT_TT I want rain, not 87 degree weather.

  14. There's never a day where I don't have English or Math hw. ughh.

  15. My cousin's boyfriend's voice is higher than mine... :o

  16. Person stole Diadem's news translations. lol http://t.co/mA9eP6JB

  17. GU 's need to put pics in .rar files ;___; I'm too lazy to save all the pics one at a time. lol :P

  18. Ugh. This stupid English project =__=

  19. Noooooo my laptop turned off while playing LoL nooooo.

  20. Seriously annoyed like crazy. My mom is like harrasing me about getting into college. Jesus I just started 10th grade...

  21. I think I underestimated how long shipping from YA takes... :|

  22. My English class is so scary. TT__TT

  23. my cousins are such suck ups. save me. TT_TT

  24. Step is stuck in my headddd. omgg

  25. Ughh, I want Porsche to win Big Brother. ><"

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