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Everything posted by Alyssarawr

  1. omg. All these new pictures of T-ara. Today's my lucky day. ^^ LOL

  2. I love chinatown... double parking and diagonal crosswalks forever. lol.

  3. Zuki! It's your birthday!? It's mine too, XD Happy Birthday!

  4. Thank you thank you! XD

  5. Thank you, I definitely will have a happy day! haha :D

  6. Dying right now...I'll just finish tomorrow =__=

  7. Head hurting so much. =__=

  8. Apple is Aypple. Bling bling bling.

  9. Time to write a 5 page long about me essay... :o

  10. What should I doooo? Stay in regular P.E. or transfer into Judo? D:

  11. My french teacher only knows how to speak spanish. :| lol

  12. Best weekend to rake up the moneyzz. $__$

  13. P.E. is so boringgggg.

  14. 7 minute passings when class is right next door...

  15. Weee~ bsing my math homework on the first day!! :3

  16. I already need to write a five page English paper by Friday... =___=

  17. Half-dead from not enough sleep and it's the first day of school. TT_TT

  18. Yess, found my pe jersey and shorts. Officially ready for school. D:

  19. I hate how there's always an argument on T-ara performance videos. >__<

  20. Yay Hyomin's back for the performance. 8D

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