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Everything posted by t-aranwaterjewel

  1. Happy Birthday~! I hope that you will have an awesome birthday~! Have fun & Enjoy~! :D

  2. Happy Birthday~! I hope that you will have an awesome birthday~! Have fun & Enjoy~! :D

  3. Happy Birthday~! I hope that you will have an awesome birthday~! Have fun & Enjoy~! :D

  4. Happy Birthday~! I hope that you will have an awesome birthday~! Have fun & Enjoy~! :D

  5. Hi Unnie~! How have you been?

  6. Welcome Tiara Diadem~!

  7. oh ok hi Siwoo. I hope you lip doesn't hurt anymore then. ^^ and sorry but I got to go now bye bye~!

  8. ohh I see. I hope that, that 1% would go away.

  9. hm I guess I've been okay lately. You?

  10. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  11. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  12. Happy Mothers Day~!<3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kangeunri


      its 22 dec here..

    3. ultimateasianbomb
    4. Sweettreasurer


      it's alrdy june 1 here!..in june 6 is our first day class!lol

  13. ohh okay I'll go read it and aw :(

    I hope the rain goes away soon.

  14. aw I hope that you will get better soon then~!

  15. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  16. Welcome to Tiara Diadem!

  17. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  18. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  19. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~! I hope that you will like it here. Enjoy~!

  20. You're welcome and I'm doing fine. How about you?

  21. Thanks for adding me :) I hope that we will become good friends :D

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